Published Jun 2, 2009
Wallace Field Day
By Luke Gran
June 1, 2009
50 folks from around the Midwest turned out to learn from Practical Farmers of Iowa members Steve (blue shirt at left) and Nick Wallace (flippin’ burgers below right) about their grass-based beef cattle farm near Keystone, IA in Benton County.
A complimentary noon lunch was served, featuring grass-finished beef, local pork and cookies made by PFI members.
After lunch, Steve explained the history and goals for he and his son’s operation, and showed off a great and inexpensive sprayer setup using organic certification approved fish biologicals.
Grass-based livestock interest remains high with many non-members in attendance, some at a travel distance of 6 hours.
Two faces new to PFI drove from Milwaukee, WI. In the photo at right, Kelly and Neil chat with Nick Wallace about his marketing strategies. They found out about the field day thru PFI member Ethan Book’s blog
Practical Farmers of Iowa sponsors farmer member-led field days
throughout the year. This event was the first of 28 events thru November 7, 2009.