Published Oct 16, 2009
Loving the Rush
By Luke Gran
People. I gotta say I love the big momentum we are feeling whirling thru our 137 Lynn Ave office.
We have our Garlic Fest coming up – its going to be great!
Over 50 people have signed up for our new farmer and generation transition “Farminars” are coming up Tuesdays in Nov. and Dec. REGISTER
Farmer superstars are lining up to attend the December 11, 12 2009 NXTGEN Retreat. Farmers develop on-farm indicators of sustainability with facilitators from Warren Wilson College, aspiring farmers get help creating their vision statements and network with experienced farmers to ask all their questions.
We are growing as an organization, in both size and significance. I have been receiving emails from quality candidates all over. In Iowa, the counties of Polk, Johnson, Ida, Palo Alto, and Story; from the New Madrid fault line near Oran, MO, and even Greece. People want to get practical experience learning with our farmers.
This tells me that we are perceived by others as a great group of people committed to building a profitable, equitable, and sustainable agriculture.
So Farmers – Tell me what apprentices you would like, what times of year. We have people interested in getting into agriculture, Lets find them a great place to have boots on soil.
All the Best,