Practical “Farminars” of Iowa
You Are Invited! 31 Attended last week’s Farminar.
Practical Farmers of Iowa continues the popular “Farminar Series” with 8 new sessions in the months of January, February, and March. Featuring Farmer Presenters, these interactive seminars are broadcast over the internet with information slideshow, and audio presentation on farming topics. 90-minute Farminars Tuesday nights this Winter feature topics of interest to beginning farmers.
Next Session:
Tuesday, Feb-2 7:00 PM C.S.T. Ramp Up Vegetable Production
Martin Stosiek
Markristo Farm
Participate Tuesday night online at this site!
Tuesday, Feb 9 7:00 PM C.S.T. Grow Vegetables Year Round
Adam Montri
Ten Hens Farm
Tuesday, Feb 16 7:00 PM C.S.T. Agroforestry for Iowa
Tom Wahl
Red Fern Farm
March “Fishbowl” Farminars
Tuesday, Mar 2 7:00 PM C.S.T. Pastured Poultry
Tuesday, Mar 9 7:00 PM C.S.T. Vegetable Production
Tuesday, Mar 16 7:00 PM C.S.T. Vegetable Marketing
Tuesday, Mar 23 7:00 PM C.S.T. Grass-Fed Beef