Published Jun 21, 2010

Double K Farms Ingredients for Success on the Organic Farm

By Luke Gran
On June 12th, over 50 people attended the PFI field day at Double K Farms, with Liz and Andre Konstantinov. The topic was what ingredients are essential for success for an organic farm. Below are some photos of the event.

Good food is a highlight of nearly every PFI field day. The Konstantinov family prepared a wonderful meal for all of their guests.

Des Moines area food/health enthusiasts turned out to learn from and support farmers.

Area farmers looking at transitioning to organic talked about the practical challenges that poses.

Andre Konstantinov (Double K Farms) visits with guests about aronia berries planted the previous fall. “This is our retirement plan” joked Andre. The profit potential from this crop is no joke, however with prices upwards of $12.00 per pound.

Liz and Andre Konstantinov

Liz Konstantinov took a few minutes to explain the history of the farm, the goals, and objectives of the business, where it markets its crops, and how their farm transitioned to certified organic.

Andre shows his all solar powered machine shed, saving a bundle of money without having to put in a new electrical connection.

PFI field days are the best way to learn how to do something new, ask questions from people who have done it already.

Founding member of PFI, Vic Madsen (center) visits with rowcrop farmers at the field day.

A Leopold Center intern visits this vegetable farm to help guide policy work in D.C. in the future.

Andre shares his Aronia berry passions to all in attendance.