Published Jul 5, 2013

Quiet Night on the Farm

By Teresa Opheim

Jerry Peckumn, a PFI farmer near Jefferson, recently posted this gem on his Facebook page. He agreed to let me share it with you all. It paints such a picture of the peace of the countryside for relaxing in the satisfaction that the work is done:

“It is a very quiet night on the farm in Iowa with lightning bugs blinking while a few dazzlers hold on for a couple of long seconds. A peace lies on the land with only an occasional sound from civilization. It has been a wonderful sunny day to work on weeding and feeding the crop. We only finished planting on Friday but now the seed planter is cleaned, inspected for wear, and greased for next spring. I sure hope it is a shorter planting season in 2014.

“The night air is cool; I came back for a Carhart after heading out on the little Eiger 4X4 to look over the farm. The cows are grazing the tender grass across from the house exuding satisfaction; while the deer munch forbs in the prairie-please stay way from the garden. A bit ago the coyotes were putting up a fuss, may be on the trail of a rabbit. The stars are dim as the atmosphere is still hazy from the fires bringing to mind sadness for the firefighters who lost their lives defending a community.”