Cover crop options for prevented planting acres in Iowa
This spring has presented challenging conditions for farmers hoping to plant corn and soybeans in Iowa and across much of the Midwest. Also, cover crops have become a popular choice for farmers looking to enhance soil health, improve soil structure, prevent erosion and reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loss on their farms. But many questions remain about which cover crop varieties to select and the practical management questions farmers must consider for all scenarios. Practical Farmers of Iowa along with the Agribusiness Association of Iowa/Iowa Certified Crop Advisers, Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship invite you to learn and ask questions about how cover crops can successfully fit into prevented planting acres this year.
Jim Frederick, Iowa Certified Crop Advisers; Jim Gillespie, Iowa Department of Ag and Land Stewardship; Kevin Erickson, Risk Management Authority; Barb Stewart, State Agronomist, Natural Resources Conservation Service; Dr. Bob Hartzler, Iowa State University Sarah Carlson, Practical Farmers of Iowa