Published Apr 2, 2015

The Practical Farmer: Spring 2015

In This Issue

Long-Term Research Paints Clearer Picture of Cover Crops
Farmers involved in a long-running PFI on-farm research project are helping fill data gaps needed to answer a key cover crop question.

Small-Scale Fruit & Vegetable Farms: Financially Viable?
Two recent op-eds challenged the idea that small-scale farmers can make a liveable income. See what some PFI farmers had to say.

Your Estate Plan: What’s Fair
Many PFI farmers have both farming and non-farming heirs. When farm transfer time comes, deciding how to treat these heirs in the estate plan can be particularly challenging.

PFI Beginning Farmers: Who Are They?
Delve into some data gathered from a survey of PFI beginning farmer network and learn more about who they are and what they need.