Published Jan 13, 2016

PFI welcomes renowned grazier, Jim Elizondo, to Iowa for Annual Conference

By Meghan Filbert

PFI’s Annual Conference, along with the Iowa Forage and Grasslands Council’s (IFGC) Annual Conference, offer three jam-packed days of information for grazing enthusiasts, January 21-23, 2016.

Friday’s in-depth grazing workshop features Jim Elizondo, a Florida cattle rancher who believes regeneration of the soil is achieved through the hoof and mouth action of cattle. “My holistic goal is to generate maximum sustainable profits per ranch or farm while improving the environment,” states Jim, who will teach attendees how to achieve the highest regenerative stocking rate for their land, while emphasizing cow health.

Jim Elizondo with his Mashona calves

At IFGC’s conference on Friday morning (next door to the PFI conference) Jim will speak on strategic supplementation and stockpiling forages. In the afternoon, Jim will discuss regenerative grazing management and how he uses ultra-high stock density grazing to improve pasture species and enhance nutrient cycling. “We use very high stocking rates and move cattle four times a day,” says Jim, who grazes 480 animals on 550 acres of land. “Forage production on our ranch has increased by four to five times more than when we started in 2012.”

Other sessions of interest to livestock farmers are:
• Establishing and Managing a Goat Dairy, Creamery and Farm Restaurant
• Producing and Marketing Grass-Fed Lambs
• Profitable and Practical Grass-Based Dairy Farming
• Poultry-Centered Regenerative Agriculture System

If you haven’t registered, now is the time! Early registration ends January 14, with ‘walk-in’ registrations taken after that date. Register here. Check out the PFI Conference brochure and the Iowa Forage and Grassland Council flyer for all the conference details.