Attend soil health events in both corners of Iowa next weekend!
Three opportunities to learn about soil health in Iowa Aug 13-14.
Whether you farm in northwest Iowa or closer to the Mississippi side of the state check out one of three PFI soil health events the weekend of August 13-14.
Dan and Lorna Wilson field day is near Paullina, IA 8/13/16 10am – 2pm.
Saturday, August 13 from 10am-2:30pm Dan and Lorna Wilson near Paullina, IA will showcase their diverse, integrated crop and livestock farm along with several 2nd and 3rd generations who are part of the operation. The Wilson’s will teach about the practices they employ to make sure their farm stays resilient and improves its soil health. Check out more details about their event “7 Farmers, 10 Enterprises: Diversity at 7 W Farm.” RSVP to by next Tuesday, August 9th to attend this free field day.
Hear Dr. Jill Clapperton in Creso, IA 8/13/16 10am-2:30pm.
Guest Blogger Kayla Koether shares information about a two other PFI sponsored soil health events Aug 13-14. Soil is a mystery that we’re just starting to understand, and scientists, farmers and innovators have a long way to go but are making great strides. Dr. Jill Clapperton, is making many of those leaps and bounds as one of the principal leaders of the soil health movement. Dr. Clapperton has worked to increase our knowledge about the components of healthy soil ecosystems, has studied agricultural practices which facilitate them and has innovated new methods to assess soil health in the process.
Clapperton has conducted research and consulted with farmers around the globe, and her consulting company, Rhizoterra, maintains a research farm in eastern Washington that’s a proving ground for new dryland crops, rotations, technology, and products that help create healthy, productive soils. In 2013, Jill was the Syngenta No-Till Innovator for Research and Education. As if she’s not busy enough studying, learning, and refining assessment tools, she brings all that experience to bear lecturing around the world.
For folks like Kayla who are curious about the holistic outcomes of our farming practices, Dr. Clapperton is basically a rockstar. And we nerds are about to get the rare opportunity to see her live in concert in our own backyard at TWO great events!!!!!
Dr. Clapperton is coming to Cresco, Iowa for a full day soil health workshop on Saturday, August 13 10:00am – 2:30pm at the Borlaug Boyhood Farm (where PFI’er Mike Natvig runs a diverse, organic farming enterprise, and PFI’er Mary Damm has taken soil sample on the reconstructed prairie). Hosted by the Norman Borlaug Heritage Foundation and sponsored by Iowa Corn, PFI, and ISU Extension and Outreach. Lunch is included. Cost is $25 per person, or $40 for farm partners. Youth 18 and under are free, but parents should consider a donation to cover lunch. PLEASE REGISTER BY AUGUST 10! To register visit: To learn more visit
On Sunday, August 14, the Growing Greener 4-H Greenhouse near West Union will Dr. Clapperton for a hands-on, in-the-dirt youth field day! This will be an awesome opportunity for kids 18 and under to use state of the art technology, get inspired by living soil, and gain a great role-model in the process. This event is free for all under 18, adults should consider a free-will donation to the greenhouse. If you have any questions about Dr. Jill Clapperton’s events please contact Kayla Koether at 563-382-2949 or