Small Grains Harvest Report
If you don’t get Wallaces Farmer, check out the online version of my article in the September issue for a rundown of the small grains harvest around the state. I sent out a request last month for members to share yields, test weights and some of the issues they had with harvest this year. Overall, PFI members across the state were more successful growing small grains this year than last year, due to a drier June which led to less disease pressure. A wet July gave some farmers headaches when harvesting, but most were able to get the crop in.
In the article, you can read some of the responses from John Gilbert of Iowa Falls, Jack Boyer of Reinbeck, Jerry Laughlin of Imogene, Mark Schleisman of Lake City, Paul Mugge of Sutherland and Ron Rosmann of Harlan. In addition, we heard from Rob Davis at Whiterock Conservancy and Matt Liebman at Iowa State University. Rob and Matt didn’t make the Wallaces Farmer article, but you might be interested in their results as well. You can see them below:
Rob Davis, Whiterock Conservancy:
Grain grown: Rye (Wheeler on 19 acres and VNS on 11 acres)
Harvest date: 7/21 (drilled Wheeler Rye (18 acres, drilled at 7” spacing with 2 passes at 90 lbs/pass on 10/20/2015, moisture 15.5% at harvest, photo attached) and VNS (7 acres, drilled at 7” spacing with 2 passes at 80 lbs/pass on 11/7/2015))
Yield, test weight: Yield was ~30 bu/acre fort the Wheeler and ~40 bu/acre for the VNS
Intended market or use: Own cover crop
Pest/disease issues: None
Harvest issues: No issues with harvest but had to crank up the air.
Your location: Coon Rapids, IA
Comments: We had a better yield on the Wheeler rye than any years past that I credit to the higher seeding rate.
Matt Liebman, Iowa State University:
Grain grown: IN09201 oat, sown 29 March 2016
Harvest date: 14 July 2016 at 13.3% moisture
Yield, test weight: 95 bu/acre, 32.6 lb/bu test weight
Intended market or use: Feed
Pest/disease issues: none prominent
Harvest issues: none prominent
Your location: Boone Co.
Comments: Yields were right on our 11-year average.