Dive into Growing Woodies as Cut Flowers
At Blue Sky Flower Farm near Elko-New Market, MN, Jon and Rachael Ackerman specialize in growing standard and unique varieties of woody ornamental plants. The Ackerman’s launched their farm in 2010 and grow approximately 2 acres of cut flowers and woodies for wholesale to local garden centers, landscape companies, florists & at the Twin Cities Flower Exchange (a local, wholesale flower market). Hear tips and techniques from Rachael on how to add woodies to your farm including information on propagation, varieties, growing, challenges, investment, social media and more.
- Rachael Ackerman started Blue Sky Flower Farm with her husband Jon near 2010 in an old cow pasture on Jon’s family’s Brown Swiss dairy farm near Hutchinson, MN. They now raise cut flowers and several varieties of woodies, mostly dogwoods and willows, on a farm near Elko-New Market, MN. Rachael has a B.S. in Horticulture from the U of MN and has been working in the industry for 20 years, including several years at Bailey Nurseries in St. Paul, MN.