Published Nov 2, 2023

Farmer-led Research: Reducing N Rates to Corn in Soil Health Systems – Practical Cover Croppers

By Practical Farmers of Iowa

Do soil health practices like cover crops will enable us to reduce nitrogen rates to corn? What’s the optimal nitrogen rate for corn to achieve the highest ROI? Seeking answers to these questions, Jon Bakehouse of Hastings, IA, participated in the on-farm research trial “Can We Reduce N Rates and Improve ROI?” through the PFI Cooperators Program.

Jon was one of 16 farmers completing 17 randomized, replicated strip trials throughout the state. The farmer-conducted research plots compared the yield and ROI of reducing their nitrogen rate by 50 lb N/acre from their typical nitrogen rate. Filmed in 2022, watch Jon as he applies liquid nitrogen for two different treatments and hear his perspective on the value of participating in a PFI Cooperators trial.