Published Dec 4, 2023

In Field View: Relay Intercropping Cereal Rye and Soybeans – Practical Cover Croppers

By Practical Farmers of Iowa

Relay intercropping cereal rye and soybeans “maximizes productivity, and you get two products to sell.. and it’s kind of fun!” says Alec Amundson.

Alec and Rachel Amundson have been relay intercropping in Mitchell County, Iowa, since 2018. In this video filmed at the Amundsons’ farm in fall of 2021 and summer of 2023, you see a close-up of their experience with relay intercropping, including how yield and overall profitability are impacted.

Alec shares mid-season updates from the field that include valuable insight for anyone interested in combining a relay intercropping cereal rye and soybeans.