We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Explore Farming Series
Thursdays 6:30-8 p.m. | Oct. 20 -Nov. 3, 2023
Registration is now closed, sign up for our monthly email newsletter, Beginning Farmer News, for future updates and workshop offerings.
Getting started in farming can be hard, but with a solid understanding of your purpose and readiness you can create a plan to guide you into farming. The Explore Farming workshop series will walk you through the process of understanding what your path looks like.
Explore Farming is an online workshop series for those just getting started in farming, helping you discover what it would really take to start a farm business. Each session includes exercises to help you assess your skills and resources, and provide direction for next steps in building a farm business. We’ll be joined by local farmers to share their experience in turning their farm dreams into farm reality!
Thursday, Oct. 20 | 6:30-8 p.m. CST
Establishing Your Purpose
Examine your values and vision for farming to recognize how these will impact how you will farm
Thursday, Oct. 27 | 6:30-8 p.m. CST
Assessing Readiness
Identify the skills and resources you have and will need to get started in farming
Thursday, Nov. 3 | 6:30-8 p.m. CST
Creating a Plan
Using what you have learned so far you will develop an actionable plan to reach your goals
Contact Information
For more information about the Explore Farming workshop series, or to be added to our beginning farmer email list: contact Greg Padget, at greg.padget@practicalfarmers.org or (515) 232-5661.