Cooperators conducted 78 research trials last year. View the highlights in our “2023 Cooperators’ Report Program.”
Cover Crops From Start to Finish
Friday, Aug. 6 | 4-6 p.m.
Hosts: Anne & Landon Plagge | Plagge Farms
Address: 1560 Heather Ave. | Latimer, IA 50452
RSVPs appreciated for dinner following the event by Aug. 3.
Join Anne and Landon Plagge as they walk through the full cycle of cover crop seed production. We’ll look at their seed cleaner, which they will be using for oats and rye harvested on their farm this year, as well as their seed mixer. We’ll then see how they get cover crops in the ground and check out their air seeder. Later, we’ll take a break from equipment and visit a nearby soybean field, where they planted green in the spring. Dinner will be served following the event.
The Farm:
The Plagges operate Plagge Farms near Latimer, Iowa. Together with family, they raise corn, soybeans, oats, rye and hogs, and use cover crops and no-till on all their acres. They started a cover crop business in 2020 and hope their business can help others in their local area adopt cover crops.
- Small-grain seed-cleaning
- Cover crop seed mixing
- Cover crop seeding equipment