Prairie and Beneficial Insect Habitat on an Organic Crop Farm
Wednesday, July 17 | 10 a.m. – Noon | Sutherland, IA
In partnership with Xerces Society
For crop farmers interested in native insect pest predators and habitat that supports them, this field day is a must-attend. Paul will lead guests on a tour of prairie and habitat areas on his farm, and discuss the why and how of installing and managing prairie and habitat. Sarah Foltz Jordan and Lydia English will provide insight from their work at Paul’s farm and others. Throughout the day, attendees will learn to identify some insects, prairie forbs and grasses.
Note: This field day is the morning portion of a two-part field day the Mugges are hosting that is joined by a shared lunch (the second part will explore organic row crop production and mechanical weed control). Attendees are invited to attend one or both field days.
HOSTS: Paul and Karen Mugge | (712) 446-2414 |
Sarah Foltz Jordan – Xerces Society
Lydia English – Iowa State University
Paul and Karen farm 300 acres of certified organic crops. Their rotation consists of corn, soybeans, small grains and some legumes. Fall triticale is the current small-grains species in the rotation. The farm has been certified organic since 2001. In addition to organic crop ground, the Mugges’ farm has a mature, 17-year-old restored prairie, prairie strips established in 2015 and a new beetle bank installed with Xerces Society in 2018.
- Preventing erosion
- Prairie seeding and management
- Beetle bank installation and management
- Controlled burning
- Beneficial insects in organic crops
- Plant and insect ecology and identification
- Agricultural Flaming Innovations
- AgriSecure LLC.
- Blue River Organic Seed
- Iowa Farmers Union
- Iowa Organic Association
- Organic Valley- CROPP Cooperative – Organic Prairie
- Pipeline Foods
LOCATION: 6190 470th St. Sutherland 51058
NOTE: The directions for this event are incorrect in the printed field day guide. The correct directions are as follows:
From Sutherland: Take IA Hwy 10 for 3 miles west (it becomes U.S. 59). The farm will be on the right (north) side of the road, just past Taft .
Lunch will be provided from noon to 1 p.m.Please RSVP by clicking the blue button below.
We take RSVP numbers to get an idea of the amount of food that we need to provide for the event. If you RSVP after the deadline but before the event, you are still welcome, but we cannot guarantee a meal.
2019 Field Day Sponsors
A Level
B Level
This material is based upon the work supported by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under award number 69-6114-17-007. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.