We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Diversifying the Farm
Diversifying the Farm by Integrating Pastured Poultry With Tree Fruit and Berries at Solstice Farm + Paha Cider Co.
Sunday, Sept. 15 | 2-4 p.m.
2392 Hilton Ave. | Waverly, IA 50677
Mark Westbrock | Solstice Farm | Paha Cider
There’s a lot happening at Mark Westbrock’s place. As the farmer at Solstice Farm, Mark raises a range of horticultural crops, including mushrooms, pears, cherries, various berries and around 300 apple trees. As the cidermaker at Paha Cider Co., Mark also processes apples, ferments ciders and packages the beverages for sale. But the things Mark is most excited to share are his pastured poultry and laying hen enterprises and how they fit within his horticultural production.
The seasonal cycle for raising and marketing eggs, broilers and turkeys complements the rest of his operation. For Mark, these enterprises are also viable additions to his cider and produce enterprises. Come see Mark’s systems for housing and rotating different types of poultry through his farm’s diverse production areas and pick up some tips to try in your own operation.
Refreshments will be provided during the field day.
See & Discuss
- Rotationally grazing turkeys, broilers and layers with horticultural crops
- Grazing broilers in contained tractors among an orchard
- Establishing an apple orchard with around 30 varieties for cider and multipurpose use
- Intercropping aronia berries, elderberries and honeyberries with apples, pears and cherries
- A tour of Paha Cider Co.
Farm Info
Facebook: Solstice Farm Iowa | Paha Cider
Instagram: @solsticefarmiowa | @pahacider
Website: solsticefarm.net | pahacider.com
- Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program Project, Department of Horticulture, Iowa State University
- Canfield Family Farm
- Iowa Farmers Union
- Savanna Institute
- Wheatsfield Cooperative