Getting Started With Chestnuts

Getting Started With Chestnuts

Elana GingerichTuesday, Aug. 27 | 9-11 a.m.


3151 F52 Trl. | Parnell, IA 52325


Elana Gingerich | Olivia’s Orchard


Elana Gingerich grew up on a conventional hog operation but developed a passion for tree crops. Today, she operates Olivia’s Orchard (formerly East Holbrook Chestnut Grove), a 40-acre farm with over 10 acres of chestnut trees, a few acres of pawpaw trees and a handful of other fruit and nut trees. Grass-finished beef cattle play a crucial role on the farm: They are rotationally grazed to manage pasture and timber. Elana also operates a nursery supplying chestnut and pawpaw trees for other growers who want to get started in agroforestry.

Join us at this field day to learn from Elana how you, too, can get started with chestnuts, a tree that grows well in Iowa – and which Elana says produces a carbohydrate nut similar to corn.


Water will be available.

See & Discuss

  • Site preparation for chestnut trees
  • The financial aspects of chestnut production
  • The chestnut planting process (you’ll have a chance to try it out!)
  • Market and cash flow options

Farm Info



  • Canopy Farm Management
  • Sustainable Iowa Land Trust