Hands-On Field Day at Garden Oasis Farm

Hands-On Field Day at Garden Oasis Farm

T.D. HolubSunday, June 30 | 9 a.m.-Noon

Coggon, IA 52218

Complete event details will be provided upon registration.


T.D. & Sarah Holub | Garden Oasis Farm

**Registration for this field day is full. 

T.D. and Sarah Holub are working hard to create a diverse and sustainable farm to improve the health of people in their community. They started farming vegetables at Garden Oasis Farm in 2013 on a half-acre. Now, their farm is a 10-acre operation that includes high tunnels and greenhouses. T.D. and Sarah also have a pasture-raised broiler operation to further diversify their farm. They market through a CSA and farm-side pick-up program, and sell their produce and meat wholesale to grocery stores and restaurants. At this field day, you’ll have a chance to learn about and test a variety of hand tools, gain in-depth experience with transplanting crops and more.

*Due to the hands-on nature of this event, attendance is limited to 20 participants and registration is required. Complete event details will be provided upon registration.


Refreshments will follow the field day.

See & Discuss

  • Greenhouse organization and work flow
  • Hand tools, their purpose and how to use them
  • The process and equipment used to transplant crops
  • Cultivation tools, and what they look like in action
  • The washing and packing facility

Farm Info

Website | Facebook | Instagram


  • Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program Project, Department of Horticulture, Iowa State University