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Establishing and Grazing Legume Covers and Small Grains in an Organic System
Saturday, Aug. 20 | Noon – 3 p.m.
Hosts: Scott & Shannon Koether and their children Will, Emma, Charlotte & Maeve
Koether Family Farm | (563) 880-0573
In partnership with Farming for Public Health
Address: 25996 Giard Rd. | McGregor, IA 52157
Come visit with Scott and Shannon Koether and learn how they include rotational grazing, small grains and red clover in their organic field crops system.
Scott farms with his family in McGregor, Iowa, where they raise and rotationally graze cattle on cover crops and forages like sorghum. The Koethers also raise organic corn, winter wheat, oats, peas and medium red clover on their 400 organic acres. Scott and his family have been using cover crops since 2015, and bought cows in 2013 for their conventional cow-calf operation. The Koethers have also been experimenting with growing organic forage crops: They grew forage sorghum last year and hope to expand their organic forage options this year.
Take advantage of this chance to view organic field crops, established cover crops and more.
- Establishing red clover
- An established legume cover crop
- Grazing cover crops and rotational grazing with cattle
- Organic corn
- Organic forage: pearl millet, sorghum, milo, corn
- Wheat stubble
Location Notes: The farm lane is 1 mile long. After reaching 25996 Giard Road, continue south for 0.75 mile down the lane.
Meal Information: Lunch will be provided at the start of the field day.
RSVPs are appreciated by Aug. 15
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