We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Postponed: Raising Sheep for Wool – Building Community Around Wool
Postponed to January
In partnership with Iowa Sheep Association
Wool production can be a profitable enterprise with certain niche markets. In this three-part series, Regina will lead us on three tours showing different aspect of her wool operation.
In part 2, we’ll learn how Regina markets her wool – and builds community in the process. When she owned Ester & Company, it wasn’t just to sell wool from her farm: it was also a place she could find community. While raising sheep and selling their wool, Regina found joy in processing and dyeing these fibers to share with others. We will tour this modern-day mercantile and hear how Regina has found community in connecting her farm to consumers.
Host: Regina Frahm | Esther Purl Fibers
The Farm: Regina Frahm owns and operates Esther Purl Fibers, raising registered white Cormo breeding stock and colored Cormo sheep. She recently opened Esther & Company, her modern-day mercantile featuring local fibers and foods. With her family, she runs Frahm Farms in Newton, Iowa, raising sheep, beef cattle, corn, soybeans and hay.
- Wool marketing
- Building community
Other Events in the Series:
Note: You may attend all events in the series, or pick the ones you’re most interested in.
Format: Virtual Field Day (#2 of Series)
Platform: Facebook Live
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