The list of on-farm investigations goes on. Not every question that comes up lends itself to a replicated field trial. In these cases, simple demonstrations of a practice help in the exchange and development of management pointers.
For example, interest continues to build around narrow strip intercropping. As mentioned, several PFI cooperators are working with ISU agronomist Richard Cruse to document the technology. Crop strips of four, six, or eight rows in width can more efficiently use light and other resources – if managed well. In 1990, five cooperators exhibited narrow strips at field days.
Paul Mugge recorded the observations below on crop yields in strips versus large fields.
Intensive grazing management, or intensive rotational grazing, is another practice that has caught the public interest. In allowing farmers to better conserve the land while increasing stocking rates, intensive management has the potential to make cattle profitable in regions where they have not been. Intensive grazing is a practice that exemplifies sustainable agriculture in its low capital investment, its management requirements, and its profitability. In 1990, five PFI field days included intensive grazing.