Two cooperators evaluated unconventional fertilizer materials in 1993, and a third PFI member carried out two trials under the Sustainable Projects program. Jeff and Gayle Olson, Winfield, looked for a residual effect from the pell lime they banded in 1992. No effect was observed on last year’s soybeans, and none was evident in 1993 either.
Ray and Marj Stonecypher, Floyd, tested AchieveTM a product described as a bacterial inoculant. The material has been recommended as part of a package that includes reducing inputs and lengthening the crop rotation. The Stonecyphers, who already practice input efficiency and crop rotation, were interested in evaluating the product in their system. They found no significant yield effect.
John and Rosie Wurpts, Boone, applied for a Sustainable Projects grant to evaluate two fertilization recommendation approaches – Iowa State University’s and that of a local dealer for Agrienergy products. This was the third year of the experiment, which includes both years of a corn-soybean rotation. Based on soil tests, ISU Extension recommended no fertilizer other than nitrogen. One hundred-twenty pounds N was applied to the corn in both the ISU and the alternative treatment. No significant difference in yield was measured in either the corn or soybeans, so net profit was determined by input costs.