Title Year Category

In a Nutshell Feeding cows during the winter is the greatest expense for most grass-based operations. Grazing cover crops and stockpiled pastures provides low-cost feed during times farmers would normally be feeding hay. For many years, Dave and …

Publish Date
December 6, 2017

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Dave and Meg Schmidt

In a Nutshell Wild bird populations can thrive in properly managed working landscapes. Cattle activity changes grassland structure; creating areas with short and tall vegetation, which provides habitat that is less available in conservation areas. For some species, …

Publish Date
December 6, 2017

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Bruce Carney

In a Nutshell This project compares yields of fall brassica crops following a spring cover crop of oats and peas. In treatment plots spring cover was grazed by sheep; control plots were un-grazed. Key Findings There were no …

Publish Date
December 5, 2017

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Carmen Black
Mark Quee

In a Nutshell Two farmers provided enterprise budgets for cherry tomato production in 2017. Cherry tomatoes were grown in a heated greenhouse (Ann Franzenburg), and an unheated high tunnel (Emma Johnson). Revenue and expenses, including a breakdown of labor, was …

Publish Date
December 4, 2017

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Ann Franzenburg
Emma Johnson

In a Nutshell A roller-crimper presents farmers the opportunity to mechanically terminate cover crops without chemicals or tillage. This method is dependent on a large amount of cover crop growth and the cover crop reaching the flowering stage …

Publish Date
November 30, 2017

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Tim Sieren

Summary Farmers reported that in 59 of 63 site-years, properly managed cover crops had little to no negative effect on corn and soybean yield (and actually increased soybean yield in 8 site-years and corn yield in 2 site-years).

Publish Date
November 30, 2017

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Bill Buman
Randy Caviness
Jim Funcke
Devan Green
Rick Juchems
Rob Davis& Darwin Pierce
Mark Pokorny
George Schaefer
Jerry Sindt
Rob Stout
Gary & Dave Nelson
Kelly Tobin
Iowa Learning Farms

In a Nutshell After participating in the 2016 Summer Broccoli Variety Trial, Rob Faux wanted to do a 4-year comparison of his yields for Gypsy and Belstar. He collected data in 2017 to match his informal data collection …

Publish Date
November 22, 2017

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Rob Faux

In a Nutshell Successfully raising corn after a cover crop requires timely cover crop termination and N fertilization. Commonly, farmers terminate a cover crop 2-3 weeks prior to planting corn but generally do not need to apply any …

Publish Date
November 20, 2017

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Dick Sloan
Tim Sieren

In a Nutshell Three farms conducted replicated variety trials in high tunnels of tomato varieties: Big Beef, Rebelski, Big Dena. Key Findings No farm showed statistical differences in overall yield (lb/ft2) among varieties. Landgraf and Quee had statistical …

Publish Date
November 20, 2017

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Tim Landgraf
Lee Matteson and Rose Schick
Mark Quee

In a Nutshell Cover crops are gaining new attention for their ability to reduce weed pressure in soybeans. Specifically, when seeding soybeans directly into a thick cover crop. Farmer-cooperators Jack Boyer and Scott Shriver investigated the effect of …

Publish Date
November 15, 2017

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer
Scott Shriver

In a Nutshell Can frost-seeding small-seeded brassica species into crop residue be an effective spring cover crop strategy? Key Findings Among three locations, mustard provided the most groundcover. When frost-seeded in the spring, cover crop growth appears to …

Publish Date
October 16, 2017

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jeremy Gustafson
Chad Ingels
Steve McGrew

In a Nutshell Small grain crops, like oats, are seeing renewed interest by farmers in Iowa. Iowa was once a nationwide leader in oats production, but many farm families have not grown them for a generation or two. …

Publish Date
October 16, 2017

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Matt Schnabel
Ken Pecinovsky
Brian Lang
Wayne Koehler