Field Day Photo Gallery: Farm Equipment 101
Eric and Ann Franzenburg hosted a field day in early August to discuss and demonstrate the range of farm equipment they utilize at Pheasant Run Farm near Van Horne, Iowa. The Franzenburgs began farming in 1992, producing corn, soybeans and hogs, but have since added medicinal herbs, cut flowers, berries and vegetables, as well as a diversity of farm equipment to keep up.
The few dozen people who attended made for a nice sized group, allowing them to ask specific questions about the equipment and to try their hand at using some of it.
Eric explained how this four-person, two-row transplanter is useful for an operation that needs to plant about 5 acres in two weeks, but not essential for planting 5 acres in two months. The two people seated in the front row take the plugs off the rack above and put them into the opened holes, and the two people in the rear seats cover them. The 175 gallon water tank lasts about 500 feet, if run continuously.
Small Pinpoint Seeder
This pinpoint seeder is used to direct seed four rows of leaf lettuce. It works best on a firm, level seedbed.
Sand Filter
Eric and Ann purchased this filtration system to remove sand from their farm’s pond water before pumping it into the drip irrigation. They purchased the filtration system for $300 from an ISU research farm, where they recommend others check for equipment before buying elsewhere.
As a farm that uses a good amount of plastic mulch, the Franzenburgs purchased this lifter to more easily cut the plastic and remove it at the end of the season.
Drip-tape Winder
This drip tape winder is an excellent tool to help collect, store, and reuse drip tape from one year to the next. It hooks up to a 3 point tractor and the spool runs hydraulically.
Row Rotavator
The row rotavator is used to cultivate or roto-till between planted rows. It works well on bigger weeds. This one is set up for thirty inch rows.
Bed Layer
Reigi Weeder
In the clip below, Eric drives the tractor with Emma Johnson and Deborah Robinson testing out the reigi weeder. Eric set up an obstacle course with stakes placed in the ground for them to maneuver the tines around.
Update with equipment details:
Mulch layer (bed layer) – Rainflow 2600 bought through Hooks Point Irrigation, Stratford, IA
Seeder- the units are Cole planter Jr
The pinpoint seeder for lettuce we bought from Johnny’s
The Reigi Weeder is named as such. Purchased from Ag Resource, Inc. from Detroit Lakes, MN.