Published Jul 8, 2022

Field day will explore conservation in organic row crops – July 23, near Wesley

By Tamsyn Jones


Tamsyn Jones | Editor & Outreach Coordinator | Practical Farmers of Iowa | (515) 232-5661 |

WESLEY, Iowa (July 8, 2022) — Sara and Bob Pearson, of Prairie Sky Farm, will host a Practical Farmers of Iowa field day in partnership with Farming for Public Health exploring their organic, diversified farm and the conservation practices they use on Saturday, July 23, from 4-7 p.m., near Wesley (2505 220th Ave.).

The event – “Conservation Practices in an Organic Farming System” – is free to attend and will include dinner. RSVPs are appreciated for the meal by July 18. Sign up online, or call Debra Boekholder at (515) 232-5661.

Location Note: To find the field day site, make sure “Ave.” is input into GPS to arrive at the correct location, about 5 miles northwest of Wesley.

The field day is sponsored by Albert Lea Seed, Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Interfaith Power & Light, Iowa Organic Association and The Scoular Company.

PFI2022 BiosecureEvent IconPlease note: Due to the presence of livestock on the farm, attendees must also adhere to PFI’s biosecure event policy, which includes wearing clean footwear and clothes that have not been worn on other farms with livestock or livestock buildings, or around a dense population of wild birds.

Sara and Bob raise soybeans, corn, oats, buckwheat, rye, vetch, alfalfa and grass hay on 240 acres at Prairie Sky Farm, which has been in Sara’s family since 1889. They also steward soybean and small-grain seed production fields, and conduct on-farm organic soybean and corn yield trials for Albert Lea Seed House.

Since 2014, the Pearsons have worked together developing a certified organic farm that prioritizes soil conservation and soil health using a diverse crop rotation, cover crops and reduced fall tillage.

At the field day, Sara and Bob will discuss their organic field crop rotation; show some of the equipment they use in their organic operation – including row crop cultivation, oat harvest and small-grain harvest equipment; and highlight conservation practices they use, including field borders, prairie plantings and grassed waterways.

Full event details are available at conservation-practices-in-an-organic-farming-system.

This event is part of PFI’s 2022 field day season, which includes 41 events hosted by farmers located across the state, and beyond, on topics spanning the agricultural spectrum. Attendees can expect a welcoming atmosphere, a spirit of curiosity, a culture of mutual respect and farmers openly sharing their knowledge and experience.

The full roster of events – along with additional information about PFI field day policies and logistics – is available at For questions, contact the PFI office at or (515) 232-5661.

Practical Farmers’ 2022 field days are supported by Level A sponsors Albert Lea Seed; BioTill Cover Crops; Grain Millers Inc.; Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance; Iowa State University Department of Agronomy; Iowa State University Extension and Outreach; MOSA Certified Organic; Nori Carbon Removal; P&K Midwest; Sinclair Tractor; Sunderman Farm Management; and Van Wall Equipment.


About Practical Farmers: Practical Farmers of Iowa works to equip farmers to build resilient farms and communities. Our values include: welcoming everyone; farmers leading the exchange of experience and knowledge; curiosity, creativity, collaboration and community; resilient farms now and for future generations; and stewardship of land and resources. To learn more, visit