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4th Annual Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day – Episode 2: The Awakening
Friday, Sept. 18 | 12:30 – 1:10 p.m.
4th Annual Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day in partnership with The Land Connection
Episode 2: The Awakening – “A Demonstration of Tool Set-Up and In-Shop Adjustments”
The Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day is the nation’s largest event devoted to weeding tools. This year, due to COVID-19, the field day will be held online. In this three-part series, MMWC field day organizer Sam Hitchcock Tilton and farmer-friend Peter Seeley will host a series of virtual mechanical weed control field days. Join the pair to see and discuss new and old weed control equipment, including set-up and use in both row crops and vegetables.
Hosts: Peter Seely & Sam Hitchcock Tilton
The Presenters:
Sam Hitchcock Tilton is a horticulture instructor at Lakeshore Technical College near Sheboygan, Wisconsin. He has a background in vegetable farming and a master’s degree from Michigan State University with a focus on precision weeding tools. Sam has designed weeding machines for KULT-Kress and visited farms throughout Europe and the U.S., and he organizes the Midwest Mechanical Weed Control Field Day.
Peter Seely and his wife, Bernadette, began farming at Springdale Farm in 1988, at the dawn of the CSA movement in the Upper Midwest. Over 25 years, the farm has expanded to twenty acres and 800 CSA shares, plus thirteen greenhouses and five children, not far from Lake Michigan in Plymouth, Wisconsin.
- Adding parallelogram units and tools to exactly match a crop spacing, starting with a bare toolbar: measurements and progression
- Preliminary adjustments that can be made more accurately in the shop so your machine only needs slight adjustment by the time you arrive at the field
Tools and Tractors:
- Parallel units
- Side-knives
- Cut-away discs
- Torsion weeders
- Finger weeders
- Diamond-bar and belly-mount options
- Modified Allis-G
- Saukville
- Super C
- IH 274
Other Events in the Series:
- Sept. 11: Camera guides and finger weeders in corn and beans
- Sept. 25: Precision cultivation of direct-seeded vegetables
Note: You may attend all events in the series, or pick the ones you’re most interested in.
Format: Virtual Field Day (#2 of Series)
Platform: Facebook Live
To register: Visit https://thelandconnection.org/event/mwc-2020 (registration is optional).
Presenting Sponsors:
- Hsu Growing Supply – www.HsuGrowingSupply.com
- Osborne Quality Seed – www.osborneseed.com
- Rodale Institute Midwest Organic Center – www.rodaleinstitute.org/
Midwest - Small Farm Works – www.smallfarmworks.com
- Sutton Ag – www.suttonag.com
- Tilmor – www.tilmor.com
- Treffler-Man@Machine BV – www.organicmachinery.net
Major Sponsors:
- Albert Lea Seed – www.alseed.com
- BCS Two-Wheel Tractors – www.bcsamerica.com
Media Sponsors:
- Growing for Market – www.growingformarket.com
- Organic Grower – https://organicgrower.info/
- Vegetable Growers News – https://
This field day was made possible in part by the support of Ceres Trust.
2020 Field Day Sponsors