
Members in the Practical Farmers of Iowa network represent a wide range of farms and organizations offering local foods, farm products, supplies and services. By supporting these farms and businesses you are helping us all build resilient farms and communities in Iowa and beyond.

PFI Member Local Food Directory 

Find PFI Members who offer Local Foods

Business and Organization Directory

Organization/Company NameBusiness TypeLocations Served
AgArtsNon-ProfitMidwest, National
Abundant DesignAg. Services, Educational Resources, Land Management, Permaculture/Homestead DesignStatewide
Beautiful Land ProductsAg. ProductsStatewide, Midwest
Sunderman Farm Management Co.Ag. Services, Real Estate, Land ManagementStatewide
Michael Fields Agricultural InstituteEducational Resources, Non-ProfitStatewide, Midwest, National
Boone SWCDEducational Resources, Non-ProfitNW Iowa
BioTill Cover Crop Seed/Saddle Butte Ag Inc.Ag. ProductsStatewide, Midwest, National
Center for Rural AffairsNon-ProfitMidwest, National
Ag Ventures Alliance CooperativeAg. Products, Ag. ServicesStatewide, Midwest, National
Iowa Organic AssociationNon-ProfitStatewide
Iowa Agricultural MitigationAg. Services, Non-ProfitNW Iowa, North Central Iowa, NE Iowa, SW Iowa
Iowa Natural Heritage FoundationNon-Profit, Land ManagementStatewide
Craver, Grothe & Cox, LLPLegalStatewide, Missouri
Rodale Institute Midwest Organic CenterNon-ProfitStatewide, Midwest
Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety & HealthEducational ResourcesStatewide
VAS AgSource LaboratoryAg. Services, Educational ResourcesStatewide, Midwest
Scattergood Friends School and FarmEducational Resources, Non-ProfitNational, International
Ward Laboratories, Inc.Ag. Services, Educational ResourcesStatewide, Midwest, National, International
The Wallace Centers of IowaNon-Profit, Educational Resources, Local FoodsStatewide
Renewing the CountrysideNon-ProfitMidwest
Welter Seed and Honey CompanyAg. ProductsStatewide, Midwest, National
Eat Greater Des MoinesNon-ProfitNorth Central Iowa, South Central Iowa
Backcountry Winery, LLCAg. Products, Local FoodsStatewide
MB WaterAg. ServicesStatewide
Premier 1 SuppliesAg. ProductsNational
Sunrise Foods International
Ag. Products, Ag. Services (Buyers of Non-GMO and organic grain)National and International
Prairie Creek Seed, IncAg. ProductsNational
DeBrower Conservation ServicesAg. ServicesCentral Iowa
Goose Lake Border ColliesDog BreederStatewide, Midwest and National
Welter Seed and Honey CompanyAg. ProductsStatewide, Midwest and National
Sabbath SoilsAg. Products, Ag. ServicesMidwest and National
Field to FamilyLocal Foods, Non-Profit, Food HubNorth Central Iowa, Northeast Iowa, South Central Iowa, Southeast Iowa
Healthy Harvest of North IowaEducational Resources, Local Foods, Non-ProfitNorth Central Iowa
GrowthlandAg. Services, Real Estate, Land Management, Rural AppraisalStatewide, Midwest (Ottumwa, Hampton, Humboldt, Iowa)
Dripwerx Irrigation LLCAg. ServicesStatewide, Midwest

Want to be added to PFI’s Business and Organization Directory? Please join at the Organization Member level and complete this form.

Small Grain and Cover Crop Directories

The small grains business directory lists location and contact information for seed buyers, grain buyers and seed cleaners, as well as the small grains species they buy.

Looking for services specific to small grains? Find our Small Grains Business Directory here.

Our cover crop directory is a great resource for locating cover crop seed suppliers and seeding services in your area. Now our cover crop directory is all online, so we update it regularly to include businesses that sell cover crop seed, provide cover crop seeding services, custom cover crop spraying and seed cleaning.

Looking for services specific to cover crops? Find our Cover Crop Business Directory here.