We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Tell Your Story
Practical Farmers seeks to empower and enable Iowa farmers to become spokespeople for an agriculture that protects the land, builds community and brings a new generation back to the farm.
Each farmer has an individual story to tell – about how he or she got started, learned a new technique, adopted a different practice, pursued a new enterprise, made a change and why, and much more. Practical Farmers understands that these unique experiences and first-hand perspectives about the realities of working the land are the reason why farmers are the experts.
Empowering farmers
We seek to empower and enable Iowa farmers to become spokespeople for an agriculture that protects the land, builds community and brings a new generation back to the farm. From featuring our members’ voices in the media to helping connect our members with opportunties to speak, teach or lead, we believe our members are the best spokespeople for positive change. To that end, we have developed a corps of Outreach Leaders – farmers from our membership who are trained in sharing their messages and stories about their farms and sustainable farming.
Speak up!
Do you have a farm story, experience or perspective you’d like to share? We want to hear it. Contact Elizabeth Wilhelm at (515) 232-5661 or elizabeth.wilhelm@practicalfarmers.org to share your thoughts or learn how we can help you get your voice heard.