Title Year Category

In a Nutshell This project tested the effect on over-wintered garlic yield of planting date and two mulching strategies: companion-seeded oat cover crop vs. straw mulch. Farmer-cooperator Mark Quee planted garlic in September with a companion oat cover …

Publish Date
November 18, 2016

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Mark Quee

In a Nutshell Delaying cover crop termination until corn planting is commonly understood to cause corn yield drag. However, the potential for increased cover crop growth by delaying termination has farmers wondering if that yield drag is true …

Publish Date
November 17, 2016

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Dick Sloan

In a Nutshell Planting cover crops, then grazing or harvesting them, is a practical way to effectively reduce nutrient pollution, plus provide economic benefits to cattle owners. This represents a win-win for livestock producers and water quality for …

Publish Date
November 9, 2016

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Ben Albright
Wesley Degner
Bill Frederick
Mark Schleisman

In a Nutshell Cover crops and summer annual forage mixes can provide a host of benefits to annual cropping systems: add biodiversity, reduce soil erosion, reduce nutrient loss, increase soil organic matter and reduce weed pressure. Dave and …

Publish Date
October 25, 2016

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Dave & Meg Schmidt

In a Nutshell Two farmers tested Spray strips and No-Spray control strips of cereal rye for fungicide residue. This project was a secondary project within “Fungicide and Plant Growth Regulator Effect on Cereal Rye Production” (Gailans et al., …

Publish Date
October 20, 2016

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Tim Sieren
Dick Sloan

In a Nutshell Seeding rates of small grains, like triticale, are important to achieve optimal plant stands, yields and yield quality. Paul Mugge compared two seeding rates of winter triticale. Key Findings The two seeding rates resulted in …

Publish Date
October 20, 2016

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Paul Mugge

In a Nutshell Fungal diseases and lodging can present challenges to raising small grain crops, like cereal rye, in Iowa. Farmer-cooperators investigated the use of fungicides and plant growth regulators on cereal rye seed crops to determine effects …

Publish Date
September 30, 2016

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Tim Sieren
Jack Boyer
Dick Sloan

In a Nutshell Small grain crops, like oats, are seeing renewed interest by farmers in Iowa. Iowa was once a nationwide leader in oats production, but many farm families have not grown them for a generation or two. …

Publish Date
September 13, 2016

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Matt Schnabel
Ken Pecinovsky
Brian Lang
Wendy Johnson

In a Nutshell Cereal rye, oats and other small grains grass species have been proven as effective cover crops in corn-soybean systems in Iowa. Cooperators screened popular grass, legume and brassica species for fall and spring groundcover in …

Publish Date
July 7, 2016

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jeremy Gustafon
Chad Ingels
Clarke McGrath
Mark Peterson
Myron Rees
Dave and Meg Schmidt
Bill Schrader
Neal Williamsen

In a Nutshell Interseeding annuals into pastures increases forage diversity, quality, and quantity. Bruce Carney developed seed mixtures and interseeded them into existing cool season pastures. • Seed mixtures vastly increased pasture diversity. Grazing management to harvest or …

Publish Date
July 6, 2016

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Bruce Carney

In a Nutshell Compost extract is made by steeping compost in water, then applying the sieved water (with compost extract) as a soil drench with the intention to increase beneficial soil biota, and increased plant health, Brix and …

Publish Date
July 6, 2016

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Siobhan Danreis
Rob Faux

Summary While there were differences among locations, there were generally no differences in soil health variables between the no-cover and cover crop treatments at individual locations.

Publish Date
June 22, 2016

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jim Funcke
Rick Juchems
Rob Davis & Darwin Pierce
George Schaefer
Jerry Sindt
Rob Stout
Kelly Tobin
Iowa Learning Farms