Farmer-Led Research
Research reports are written by Practical Farmers staff to ensure consistency and quality, and are available to view or download for free.
The Latest Research from PFI
Filter ResearchIn a Nutshell Interseeding annuals into pastures increases forage diversity, quality, and quantity. Bruce Carney developed seed mixtures and interseeded them into existing cool season pastures. • Seed mixtures vastly increased pasture diversity. Grazing management to harvest or …
In a Nutshell Compost extract is made by steeping compost in water, then applying the sieved water (with compost extract) as a soil drench with the intention to increase beneficial soil biota, and increased plant health, Brix and …
Summary While there were differences among locations, there were generally no differences in soil health variables between the no-cover and cover crop treatments at individual locations.
Summary Farmers reported that in 49 of 53 site-years, properly managed cover crops had little to no negative effect on corn and soybean yield (and actually increased soybean yield in 7 site-years).
In a Nutshell Fifteen farms participated in fruit and vegetable production recordkeeping to date. The purpose of the project was to create Iowa-specific production histories for: producers to have baseline comparisons, the advancement of crop insurance options, and …
In a Nutshell This was an informal trial to compare bell pepper production from seedlings started in soil blocks vs. plug trays. Data were collected from 72 plants in each treatment; peppers were harvested at green and red …
In a Nutshell Alternative supplements, such as natural minerals and kelp, are gaining popularity in some livestock production systems. These supplements are said to be more bioavailable to animals, increasing overall health. Cheryl Hopkins supplemented her goats with …
In a Nutshell Three farmers provided enterprise budgets for cucumber production. Cucumbers were grown in a heated greenhouse (Ann Franzenburg), an unheated high tunnel (Emma Johnson), and an open field (Jan Libbey). Key Findings Labor was the largest …
In a Nutshell Apple cider vinegar has been long advocated for its health benefits and is gaining recognition as a health supplement for livestock. Apple cider vinegar is held to being a health tonic that promotes beneficial gut …
In a Nutshell Five farmers compared two bell pepper varieties, Olympus and Revolution, to determine which produces better in Iowa’s climate. Each farm planted four randomized pairs of research plots, each pair with 10-20 plants of each variety. …
In a Nutshell Cover crops can provide a high-quality, low-cost feed during times when farmers would normally be feeding hay and other stored forages. Dave and Meg Schmidt planted and grazed cover crops and crop residue to extend …