Farmer-Led Research
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The Latest Research from PFI
Filter ResearchIn a Nutshell Extending and diversifying a crop rotation to include a small grain presents farmers with the opportunity to generate biological soil nitrogen using forage legume (green manure) cover crops seeded in the spring and summer. Farmer-cooperator, …
In a Nutshell Fruit and Vegetable farmers want to use cover crops to control weeds, which reduces labor costs and competition with cash crops. In tilled plots, two-foot wide strips of rye were incorporated prior to seeding. In …
In a Nutshell Cultivation of cereal rye for cover crop seed offers the possibility of frost-seeding a legume into the standing rye crop in early spring, where the legume can produce biomass and fix N following rye harvest. …
In a Nutshell Small grain crops, like oats, are seeing renewed interest by farmers in Iowa. Iowa was once a nationwide leader in oats production, but many farm families have not grown them for a generation or two. …
In a Nutshell Delaying cover crop termination until soybean planting would allow for more biomass production by the cover crop in the spring presenting the opportunity for more environmental benefit. Farmer-cooperators seeded soybeans 10-14 days after terminating a …
In a Nutshell Neonicotinoid seed treatments in soybean production are ubiquitous but recent evidence has called their benefit to yields and their ecological impact into question. • Farmer-cooperators compared soybean yields from soybeans of the same variety grown …
In a Nutshell Cereal rye, oats and other cool-season, small grains grass species have been proven as effective cover crops in Iowa crop production systems. Cooperators screened pure seedings and mixtures of grass, legume and brassica cover crops …
In a Nutshell Cover crops are recognized for their ability to scavenge nitrogen and possibly improve soil characteristics in corn-soybean production systems. Farmer-cooperator Jack Boyer investigated three different cereal rye cover crop seeding dates in his seed corn …
Managing animals on pasture offers the opportunity to improve productivity on a fixed land area. The Andersons run about 30 cows on their farm, which includes 65 acres pasture, also corn, soybeans and hay. Andersons monitored activity daily …
Organic hogs typically grow slower and are less efficient than conventional hogs. High-fiber diets high in small grains are common in organic production but may be less efficient compared to corn-soybean diets. Tom Frantzen and family fed groups …
Fruit and Vegetable farmers want to use cover crops to control weeds on their farms to reduce labor costs and competition with cash crops. Cereal rye cover crops have been mulch-killed to control weeds in cash crops. Key …
Applying manure or fertilizer with a nitrogen stabilizer has been identified as a practice farmers can use to reduce the potential for nonpoint source pollution of surface waters. Farmer-cooperator Tim Sieren assessed the effect on corn yields of …