Farmer-Led Research
Research reports are written by Practical Farmers staff to ensure consistency and quality, and are available to view or download for free.
The Latest Research from PFI
Filter ResearchTwo cooperators conducted nitrogen rate trials in 1996. Ray and Marj Stonecypher, Floyd, used the late spring soil nitrate test (Figure 3) and then sidedressed two rates that were close to the recommendation (Table 3). Testing and sidedressing …
In past years, PFI cooperators have carried out a variety of tillage comparisons. Ted and Donna Bauer, Audubon, have done several trials of 19- inch versus 38-inch-row soybeans. In 1996, because of planting delays, they custom hired a …
Investigations continued on the Mugge Farm on the possibility of rootworm damage in the strip system. Soil was sampled for eggs, adult emergence was monitored, and root damage was rated on a 1 to 9 scale. As in …
Ron and LaDonna Brunk, Steve and Tara Beck Brunk, Eldora We are interested in the possibility of controlling corn borers in field corn without chemical insecticides. An insecticide program is costly, takes accurate timing, and includes the inherent …
The monks of New Melleray Abbey farm nearly 2,000 acres as their primary source of income and have farmed since 1849. A three-year “discernment” process begun in 1991 led to a renewed commitment to farm sustainably. To this …
Comparisons of crop varieties in 1996 addressed two topics: specialty markets and biotechnology. The Neely-Kinyon Farm, near Greenfield, compared a popular “tofu”-type soybean cultivar, LS201, to a standard variety from DeKalb (Table 1). Seeding costs were sixty percent …
The wet spring weather in 1996 confounded more than one weed management plan. Tom and Irene Frantzen, New Hampton, finally planted ridge-till soybeans June 14 after clearing the field of broadleafed weeds with an application of 2,4-D. They …
Many creative Iowa farmers are interested in adding value to their production and in seeking markets for entirely new products. Hazelnuts are one such new product on the horizon. Sparked by Minnesota nut breeder Phil Rutters, several northeast …
We have completed our third year of transition from traditional, confinement dairy to a grass-based system. Our farm is located in Northeast Iowa on gently rolling Floyd-Kenyon loam soils. All of our pasture had been in corn-hay rotation …
We carried out a hog feeding trial to determine whether adding ground alfalfa to the grower and finisher ration would be economical as well as result in leaner hogs. The ration used for the hog feeding trial was: …
PFI farmers were among the first to introduce berseem clover into their cropping systems. Cooperators are still examining this annual legume for its production and compatibility. Tom and Irene Frantzen, Alta Vista, have compared berseem and red clover …