Title Year Category
Weed Trials 1988-1999

The challenges in weed management in 1992 came from the weather. Postemergence herbicides were ineffective in the dry spring and early summer conditions, while there were plenty of good days for using the rotary hoe. But cultivating helped …

Publish Date
February 1, 1993

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Tom and Alesia Lacina
Paul Mugge
Richard and Sharon Thompson

PFI cooperators have continued to work with Iowa State University researchers on the practice of narrow strip intercropping. In narrow strip intercropping, alternating strips of different crops run side by side across the field. In addition to giving …

Publish Date
February 16, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Paul and Karen Mugge
Mike Reicherts

Many farmers, agricultural professionals, policy makers, and members of the general public have questions about the manner in which weeds are controlled in row crops: Are trade-offs between tillage and herbicides inevitable? What are the environmental effects of …

Publish Date
February 9, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Cover Crops 1988-1999

Richard and Sharon Thompson devoted a major effort in 1991 to the study of cover crops for weed control. (See table) Previous trials by the Thompsons and other cooperators have pursued cost reduction, weed control, and managing the …

Publish Date
February 8, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Manure 1988-1999

The table of manure trials shows two trials comparing manure to purchased nitrogen. In neither the Reicherts trial nor the Svoboda trial was there a significant yield difference. In the trial on the farm of Mike and Jamie …

Publish Date
February 7, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Mike and Jamie Reicherts
Dick and Mary Jane Svoboda
Nitrogen 1988-1999

1991 was the fourth year PFI has used the late spring soil nitrate test for corn. The test has been a good indicator of nitrogen sidedress needs in both dry years and wet. PFI cooperators continue to work …

Publish Date
February 5, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Tom and Irene Frantzen
Don and Sharon Davidson
Ted and Donna Bauer

Rootworm Control Jim and Vickie Striegel compared rates of rootworm insecticide. (See table 1) They used the shopcrafted banders manufactured by their neighbor, Larry Conrad, which are supposed to give more even distribution of material across the row …

Publish Date
February 4, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Jim and Vickie Striegel
Steve and Gloria Laezer
Mark and Rita Mays
Mike and Jamie Reicherts
Dick and Sharon Thompson
Ted and Donna Bauer
Dordt College
Don and Sharon Davidson

Following on university research that shows banding to be the most efficient method of fertilization in ridge tillage, PFI cooperators have compared banding and broadcasting on their own farms. Two trials this year yielded inconclusive results. Paul and …

Publish Date
February 3, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Paul and Karen Mugge
Harlan and Sharon Garu
Jeff and Gayle Olson

Two-Treatment Trials Starter fertilizers were a popular subject of trials in 1991. Of nine with-and-without trials, two found a significant yield increase and one a significant yield decrease with starters, and six trials found no significant yield difference. …

Publish Date
February 2, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Jerry and Jill Carlson
Dave and Lisa Lubben
Mark and Rita Marys
Dick and Sharon Thompson
Ray and Marj Stonecypher

In the past five years PFI cooperators have compiled an impressive record showing that ridge tillage can be used to raise crops profitably without herbicides. Even in the wet growing season of 1990, only one of eleven trials …

Publish Date
February 1, 1992

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa

The list of on-farm investigations goes on. Not every question that comes up lends itself to a replicated field trial. In these cases, simple demonstrations of a practice help in the exchange and development of management pointers. For …

Publish Date
February 8, 1991

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Paul Mugge
Cover Crop Trials 1988-1999

Cooperators continue to search for ways to succeed with winter cover crops, and interes Midwest continues as well. The three cover crop trials carried out in 1990 illustrate that s are a drawback. The National Soil Tilth Laboratory …

Publish Date
February 7, 1991

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa