Practical Cover Croppers
Practical Cover Croppers Video Series
Interested in cover crops but don’t know where to start? Curious about a particular cover cropping practice and want to know how it worked for someone else? PFI’s new Practical Cover Croppers video series can help!
A range of farmers share their cover crop experiences, resources and best practices in our brand-new Practical Cover Cropper video series, which will provide the knowledge you need to start incorporating cover crops into your farming business. Observe and learn about a range of cover cropping techniques in horticulture, livestock and row crops.
Topics include:
- Suppressing weeds
- Preventing erosion
- Boosting soil health
- Providing forage for livestock
- Roller crimping
- Air seeding
- Grazing cover crops
- And more!
Keep scrolling to see our top videos from the series. Want to watch them all? Head to our YouTube page to browse the full series.
Using Tarps on a No-Till Vegetable Farm
Benefits of Tarping for Organic Weed Control
Tarping is a very effective means of weed control on organic farms and can save time weeding in the fields later in the growing season. Watch this video to learn how Humble Hands Harvest in Decorah, Iowa, got started with tarping on their no-till vegetable farm, how they anchor tarps and what the challenges and benefits of tarping are.
How to Use Silage Tarps on a No-Till Farm
In this video, Hannah Breckbill of Humble Hands Harvest in Decorah, Iowa, demonstrates how to set up a silage tarp early in the season to beat the weeds and create a workable no-till vegetable bed.
Roller-Crimping Cereal Rye
Roller-Crimping Cereal Rye in Soybean Production – Practical Cover Croppers
Follow Jon Bakehouse as he talks about roller-crimping cereal rye cover crop in soybean production. In this footage from his Hastings, Iowa, farm, Jon discusses equipment, choices for rye establishment and timing of operations.
Timing of Roll Crimping Rye Cover Crop and Planting Soybeans – Practical Cover Croppers
In this video, Jon Bakehouse of Hastings, Iowa, talks about his trial on timing for roller-crimping cereal rye cover crop for reduced reliance on purchased inputs.