Published Apr 21, 2016

Farm Employment Resources

By Steve Carlson

Thinking about hiring an employee for your farm? Here are some resources to get you started.

Navigating the complex legal requirements for hiring a farm employee is a daunting task to tackle on your own. We’ve been lucky to have Farm Commons develop some resources specific to Iowa that help guide you through the necessary considerations before taking on employees, volunteers, interns or other agricultural workers.

Visit our Employment FAQ page to find detailed information for 2016 on:

  • General wage questions

    Farm Commons is a nonprofit law center dedicated to providing community-based farmers with the business legal resources they need.

    Farm Commons is a nonprofit law center dedicated to providing community-based farmers with the business legal resources they need.

  • Interns, trainees or youth workers
  • Volunteers
  • Work crews, migrant workers or independent contractors
  • Insurance, injuries and workers’ compensation
  • Paperwork, taxes and wage withholding

After you’ve read through the frequently asked questions, delve deeper with:

For examples from PFI member farms: