Published Oct 4, 2013

Real Life Employee Handbook from Rock Spring Farm

By Sally Worley

Chris Blanchard shared his employee handbook and employee agreement at a workshop he led this past March.
For those who weren’t able to attend, he gave permission for us to share it online with you. Thanks Chris!


RSF Employee Handbook

Employee Agreement

“Real life” examples are common requests from our members. They’d like to see employee handbooks, business plans, enterprise budgets and more. If you have one you’d be willing to share please contact me.

Cheryl and Mike Hopkins are going to share their business plan at our annual conference, Well Grounded, January 24-25, 2014 at Scheman in Ames. At this link, there is a video of Sara Hanson and Ryan and Janice Marquardt presenting their business plans at our 2012 annual conference.