We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Practical Farmers frequently needs help in our Ames office or setting up for events across Iowa. Volunteering with Practical Farmers of Iowa is a great way to experience life at a fast-paced sustainable agriculture nonprofit while helping achieve our mission. You will meet our friendly and knowledgeable staff and most likely will also get some delicious local food and our heartfelt gratitude!
Volunteer Opportunities
- Assist with large mailings. Multiple times a year we send out member solicitation and fundraising campaigns. We typically need 4-6 people to fold, stuff envelopes, seal, and stamp.
- Data input. We keep logs of field day sign-ins, evaluations and any other feedback we receive.
- Filing. From time to time we get backlogged on our filing. We still keep paper trails on all of our members and donors.
- Publications. We have a backlog of publications that need to be filed and need research reports printed and compiled.
- Photo tagging. We have a large database of photos that need to be tagged. We have them arranged by events and dates but need more descriptive terms added to the photos.
- Annual Conference. It takes many volunteers to run our 800+ attended annual conference. We need bell ringers, attendance takers, help with lunch, silent auction, childcare, exhibitors, and many other roles.
If you are interested in learning about our volunteer opportunities: please contact Debra Boekholder at (515) 232-5661 or debra.boekholder@practicalfarmers.org.