We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
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Start conversations, seek advice and exchange ideas about any farming topic, sell equipment, farm products and services, and find markets.
By donating to Practical Farmers today, you enable us to continue our work of fostering grassroots networking among farmers in support of a sustainable agricultural landscape in Iowa. Your gift is tax-deductible.
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By joining or renewing your membership with Practical Farmers of Iowa, you avail yourself of the wisdom and knowledge of an incredible community of innovative farmers, enlightened consumers and forward-thinking agricultural and environmental professionals.
Attend an Event
Practical Farmers hosts numerous events across Iowa throughout the year to help farmers connect and learn. Join us at an event near you.
Tell Your Story
Practical Farmers seeks to empower and enable Iowa farmers to become spokespeople for an agriculture that protects the land, builds community and brings a new generation back to the farm.
Practical Farmers frequently needs help in our Ames office or setting up for events across Iowa.