Title Year Category

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation.  In a Nutshell: Jack Boyer was interested to know if the soil health benefits of long-term cover cropping on his farm would permit him to reduce his nitrogen program …

Publish Date
February 14, 2022

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Jack Boyer

In a Nutshell: Rob Faux and Mark Quee wondered: Does the immediate proximity of annual flowers that support pollinators improve the productivity of nearby cucurbit crops? Quee tested the effect of both variety and flowering/non-flowering adjacent plants on …

Publish Date
February 11, 2022

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Rob Faux
Mark Quee

This research was funded by USDA-NIFA.  In a Nutshell: Jack Boyer, Eric Fynaardt, Kevin Holl and Rob Stout conducted strip trials for a second year to test the effect of cereal rye cover crop termination date on corn …

Publish Date
February 9, 2022

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer
Eric Fynaardt
Kevin Holl
Rob Stout
Dr. Alison Robertson, ISU Plant Pathology & Microbiology

This research was funded by the Iowa Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS).  In a Nutshell: The practice of cover crop grazing provides economic returns, and farmers wonder if benefits to soil health follow suit. Economic returns are realized …

Publish Date
January 19, 2022

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Nick Smith
Tim Daly

This research was funded by Ceres Trust. In a Nutshell: Cooperators who tested cabbage varieties in a 2020 variety trial found the red varieties yielded less and were of poorer quality compared to the green cabbage varieties. They …

Publish Date
January 19, 2022

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Emily Fagan and Hannah Breckbill
Alice McGary

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: Since 2015, a cohort of PFI farmers has been conducting on-farm research to determine how late they can delay the termination date of cover crops relative …

Publish Date
January 11, 2022

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Dick Sloan

This research was funded by Ceres Trust. In a Nutshell: Carmen & Maja Black and Helaina Thompson, Mark Quee and Jon Yagla wanted to test new basil varieties bred for downy mildew resistance to see if they provided …

Publish Date
January 11, 2022

PFI Staff
Megan Sweeney
Carmen & Maja Black and Helaina Thompson
Mark Quee
Jon Yagla

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation.  In a Nutshell: July harvest of small-grains crops presents the opportunity to grow both nitrogen-fixing legume cover crops and forage cover crops for cattle grazing. In this project, Arlyn …

Publish Date
January 10, 2022

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Arlyn Kauffman

This research was funded by the McKnight Foundation.  In a Nutshell: Whey is a common byproduct of making dairy products from goats raised on the farm by Carmen & Maja Black, Helaina Thompson and Carlos Williams. They wondered …

Publish Date
December 14, 2021

PFI Staff
Megan Sweeney
Carmen & Maja Black
Helaina Thompson & Carlos Williams

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation.  In a Nutshell: In recent years, several farmers have wondered about using clover as a companion cover crop or “living mulch” with corn. Such a strategy would increase the …

Publish Date
December 10, 2021

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer
Dick Sloan

This research was funded by Walton Family Foundation and USDA-NRCS.  In a Nutshell: This was the fourth year of on-farm research trials designed to evaluate planting corn in 60-in. row-widths for the purpose of improving the success of …

Publish Date
December 10, 2021

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Landon Brown
Tim Sieren

In a Nutshell: Alec Amundson, Sam Bennett and Steve Saltzman wondered if fungicide seed treatments might be more necessary for their early-planted soybeans than neonicotinoid seed treatments. The objective of their research was to compare the effects of …

Publish Date
December 6, 2021

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Alec Amundson
Sam Bennett
Steve Saltzman