Title Year Category

In a Nutshell: Jack Boyer, Eric Fynaardt, Kevin Holl and Rob Stout each conducted strip trials to test the effect of cereal rye cover crop termination date on corn disease pressure and corn yield. They each compared terminating …

Publish Date
April 15, 2021

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer
Eric Fynaardt
Kevin Holl
Rob Stout
Dr. Alison Robertson, ISU Plant Pathology & Microbiology

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: Jon Bakehouse and Sam Bennett are interested in maximizing the benefits of cover crops to their soil, livestock, weed management and bottom lines. The objective of …

Publish Date
April 15, 2021

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Jon Bakehouse
Sam Bennett

This research was funded by Ceres Trust. In a Nutshell: Spinach is a popular cool-season vegetable, so Kate Edwards, Bonnie Riggan, Hannah Breckbill and Emily Fagan wanted to determine which spinach variety (Bloomsdale, Kolibri or Space) grew the …

Publish Date
April 8, 2021

PFI Staff
Emma Liddle
Kate Edwards
Hannah Breckbill & Emily Fagan
Bonnie Riggan

This research was funded by Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: Doug Alert and Margaret Smith typically co-seed oats with a red clover cover underseeding in their organic production system. Concerned about weed control, they were curious to …

Publish Date
April 8, 2021

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Doug Alert & Margaret Smith

This research was funded by Ceres Trust. In a Nutshell: Hannah Breckbill, Emily Fagan and Jon Yagla wanted to see which potting soil produced the best transplants in each of their farms’ production systems, in order to determine …

Publish Date
March 31, 2021

PFI Staff
Emma Liddle
Hannah Breckbill & Emily Fagan
Jon Yagla

This project was funded by Ceres: Cluster In a Nutshell In the first year of the trial, Maja and Carmen Black were interested to see if there was a difference in the weight gain of the lambs between …

Publish Date
March 25, 2021

PFI Staff
Megan Sweeney
Carmen and Maja Black

This project was funded by Ceres Trust. Structured observation of nectar resources (flowers) on one PFI farm reveals patterns of flower abundance and diversity that could influence farm management decisions to benefit pollinators. Background The objective of this …

Publish Date
March 25, 2021

PFI Staff
Jorgen Rose
Jake Kundert

This research was funded by Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: The appeal of interseeding a cover crop in June is twofold: 1). The seeding operation occurs at a relatively less busy time of year and 2). Seeding …

Publish Date
March 18, 2021

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer

This research was funded by Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: Dick Sloan hoped to determine which of two clover green manure mixes interseeded to an established winter small grain crop would be more profitable and sustainable in …

Publish Date
March 18, 2021

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Dick Sloan

This research was funded by Ceres Trust. In a Nutshell: Fruit and vegetable farmers commonly use mulch as both a weed suppressant and as a way to maintain soil moisture. In this experiment, Jill Beebout compared two types …

Publish Date
March 4, 2021

PFI Staff
Megan Sweeney
Jill Beebout

This research was funded by Ceres Trust. In a Nutshell: Ginger is not normally grown in Iowa, so Cait Caughey, Mark Quee, Molly Schintler and Jon Yagla wanted to learn more by determining if ginger yield or quality …

Publish Date
March 4, 2021

PFI Staff
Emma Liddle
Cait Caughey
Mark Quee
Molly Schintler
Jon Yagla

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: Vic Madsen was curious to use a companion-planting approach to organic corn production by planting soybeans instead of corn in every third row. Madsen hypothesized that …

Publish Date
March 4, 2021

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Vic Madsen