the Practical Farmer: Spring 2019
In This Issue
Executive Director Note
Farmers are incorporating annual forages into crop rotations to complement perennial pastures.
PFI co-founder Dick Thompson believed cows were a vital link on the farm. This graphic highlights why.
Farm Transfer
The Beginnings of a Farm Transfer
Shared values help connect beginning farmers John and Halee Wepking with Paul Bickford, who was searching for farmers to transition his operation to.
Beginning Farmers
Meet the farmers and learn about their hopes for SIP.
Field Crops
Interseeding Cover Crops in Extra-Wide Corn Rows
Farmer-led research explores accommodating cover crops.
Interest in tree crops (and beverages) draws new members to PFI events.
Cover Crops
Cover crops can provide effective control against Iowa’s most challenging superweed.
Sustainable Agriculture Achievement Award
Honored for Sustainability Efforts
Long-time PFI members Doug Alert and Margaret Smith have been using on-farm research for many years to guide their farming decisions, and freely sharing their knowledge with others.
Commissioners Bring Local Conservation Issues to Iowa’s Capitol
PFI members represented their soil and water conservation districts and met with legislators.
Member Book Review
Review of: “Wildly Successful Farming: Sustainability and the New Agricultural Land Ethic”
PFI News
Get Farm Experience through Labor4Learning
Several jobs are open in Iowa offering paid farm training
Join Our Team – We’re Hiring!
View all positions on our employment page
FindAFarmer Gets a Makeover is a free tool that aims to connect farmland owners with land seekers to preserve family farms.

Meet our Newest Staff Members
- Hayley Nelson – Research Assistant
- Jorgen Rose – Habitat and Farm Transfer Coordinator
Subscribe to Our New Cover Crop E-Newsletter!
Have you considered adding cover crops to your farm and wondered how to get started? Or are you looking to take cover crops to the next level and want to learn from farmers about how they are making it pay today?
New Multimedia Offerings
- Rotationally Raised podcast focuses on small grains production
- New video series focuses on organic weed control in field crops