We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
2024 Field Day Schedule
Welcome to Practical Farmers of Iowa’s 2024 Field Day Season!
This year, in our biggest field day season yet, nearly 60 farms across Iowa, as well as Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wisconsin, are opening their farm gates for another season of farmer-to-farmer learning.
RSVPs are appreciated for PFI field days. To RSVP, click the links in the list of field day events below or call our office at (515) 232-5661.
Review special instructions for visiting farms with livestock and what to bring (or not bring).
We also have several field days with Spanish interpretation available. View the list and register.
In addition to the support from our field day sponsors, there are numerous organizations and grantors make this field day season possible.
Please join us – we look forward to seeing you at a field day this season!
Friday, June 7 | Paullina, IA
Dairy Grazing, Silvopasture and Compost
Hosts: Torray & Erin Wilson | Wilson Organic Dairy
Wednesday, June 12 | Cedar Falls, IA
Targeted Conservation for Layered Benefit: Using Data to Create Habitat
Host: Steve Robisky
Friday, June 14 | Knoxville, IA
Grazing ‘Round the Farm
Hosts: Ethan & Becca Book | Crooked Gap Farm
Monday, June 17 | Packwood, IA
Rye Resiliency: Strategies for Using Rye to Build and Maintain Soil Health
Hosts: J.D. Hollingsworth & Dave Hollingsworth
Wednesday, June 19 | Washington, IA
A Legacy of Stewardship: Using Cover Crops, Biochar and Nature for Sustainable Agriculture
Host: Rob Stout
Thursday, June 20 | Lonsdale, MN
The Basics of Raising Sheep for Wool
Hosts: Stacy & Kevin Dresow | Dresow Family Farms
Thursday, June 20 | Garnavillo, IA
Discovering Covers: Options From Seeding to Species and How They Affect Soil Health
Hosts: Edmund & Barbara Ruff
Saturday, June 22 | Hubbard, IA
Maintaining High Yields With Cover Crops and Conservation
Hosts: Kurtis & Kathy Kadolph and Al Kadolph
Sunday, June 23 | Norwalk, IA
Cultivating an Experience: Engaging Through Agritourism, Marketing and Production at Rose Farm
Hosts: Karri & Patrick Rose | Rose Farm
Wednesday, June 26 | Humboldt, IA
Building Soil Health Through Relay-Cropping, Extended Rotations and Reduced Tillage
Hosts: Doug & Kim Adams and Harley Hett
Thursday, June 27 | McLean, NE
Farming Outside the Box: A Fresh Approach to Diversification on a Nebraska Farm
Hosts: Junior & Katelyn Pfanstiel, Gene & Julie Pfanstiel
Friday, June 28 | Cuba City, WI
Creating Resiliency Through Diversity With Crops and Livestock
Hosts: Kevin Wagner & family | KC Stock and Crop LLC
Sunday, June 30 | Coggon, IA
Hands-On Field Day at Garden Oasis Farm
Hosts: T.D. & Sarah Holub | Garden Oasis Farm
Sunday, June 30 | Ames, IA
Agriculture Supporting Community: Cultivating Food, Habitat and Leaders at Mustard Seed Community Farm
Host: Alice McGary | Mustard Seed Community Farm
Tuesday, July 2 | Maynard, IA
Nutrient Management Using Intercropping in an Organic Operation
Hosts: Scott & Catherine Wedemeier | Grassway Farm
Wednesday, July 10 | Fertile, IA
Growing, Processing and Marketing Onions and Potatoes for Wholesale Outlets
Hosts: Steve Rachut | Kittleson Brothers; Ron Rachut | Fertile Valley Gardens
Wednesday, July 10 | Corning, IA
Innovative Strategies for Diversifying a Row Crop Operation
Hosts: Chris & Shannon Gaesser | GX Agriculture
Thursday, July 11 | Brighton, IA
Organic U-Pick Blueberries and Day-Neutral Strawberries at Blueberry Bottom Farm
Host: Kim Andersen | Blueberry Bottom Farm
Saturday, July 13 | Spring Grove, MN
Communicating Cuts: From Carcass to Consumer
Tuesday, July 16 | Oconomowoc, WI
Setting Up a Multi-Species Grazing Operation
Host: Michael & Courtney Gutschenritter | Three Brothers Farm
Thursday, July 18 | Grundy Center, IA
Grundy County Workshop: Biologicals, the Hot Topic
Host: Fred Abels, Courtney Myers & Grundy County SWCD
Friday, July 19 | Pecatonica, IL
Going With the Grain: Diversified, Small-Scale Grain Farming With On-Farm Processing
Host: Andrea Hazzard | Hazzard Free Farm
Saturday, July 20 | Waterloo, IA
Growing Food for Habitat: Supporting Pollinators and Beneficial Insects in a Community Garden
Host: Kamyar Enshayan
Tuesday, July 23 | Kerkhoven, MN
Centering Sustainability From Farrow to Finish
Host: Andrew VanDerPol | Pastures A Plenty
Wednesday, July 24 | Osage, IA
Improving Soil Through Nitrogen Reduction and Conservation Practices
Hosts: Alec & Rachel Amundson
Sunday, July 28 | Bridgewater, IA
Growing Opportunity: Season Extension, Organic Production and Scaling Up at Bridgewater Farm
Host: Dale Raasch | Bridgewater Farm
Tuesday, July 30 | Stanley, IA
Establishing and Growing a Cover Crop Seeding and Service Business
Hosts: Dan & Jessica Bahe | Bahe Cover Crops
Sunday, Aug. 4 | Central City, IA
Adaptive Marketing Through a Collaborative CSA, Value-Added Products and On-Farm Sales at Buffalo Ridge Orchard
Hosts: Marcus & Emma Johnson | Buffalo Ridge Orchard
Tuesday, Aug. 6 | Gothenburg, NE
Central Nebraska Cover Crop Workshop
Host: Practical Farmers of Iowa
Friday, Aug. 9 | Sartell, MN
Boots on the Ground: Tips for Transitioning to No-Till
Hosts: Alex & Krissy Udermann, John Udermann and Jake Udermann | Meadowbrook Dairy, Inc.
Saturday, Aug. 10 | Harlan, IA
Honing Pasture Management With Rotational Grazing + Cover Crops
Hosts: David Rosmann & Becky Tompkins-Rosmann, Ron Rosmann & Maria Vakulskas Rosmann, Daniel Rosmann & Ellen Walsh-Rosmann, Mark Rosmann & Virginia Lehner-Rosmann | Rosmann Family Farms and Farm Sweet Farm
Tuesday, Aug. 13 | Des Moines, IA
PFI Member Day at the Iowa State Fair
Host: Practical Farmers of Iowa
Wednesday, Aug. 21 | Lakefield, MN
Make Way for Pheasants: Assessing Habitat Potential on Marginal Acres
Hosts: Jerry & Nancy Ackermann
Friday, Aug. 23 | Logan, IA
Scaling Up Custom Cover Crop Application
Hosts: Mike & Kara Dickinson and Mark Unruh | Mike Dickinson Farms | East Valley Poultry | CoverPro 365
Sunday, Aug. 25 | Gladbrook, IA
Hands-On Poultry Processing at Mad Acre Farms
Hosts: Ryan & Jamie Madison | Mad Acre Farm
Tuesday, Aug. 27 | Parnell, IA
Getting Started With Chestnuts
Host: Elana Gingerich | Olivia’s Orchard
Tuesday, Aug. 27 – Thursday, Aug. 29 | Boone, IA
PFI at the Farm Progress Show
Host: Practical Farmers of Iowa
Thursday, Aug. 29 | Storm Lake, IA
Adding Produce to the Mix at Hayes Farm
Host: Tate Carlson | Hayes Farm
Friday, Aug. 30 | Marengo, IA
Reducing Nitrogen With Rotational Cover Cropping and Biologic Additions
Host: Ross McCaw
Sunday, Sept. 1 | Calmar, IA
Mindful Growth at Sweet Season Farm
Hosts: Carly & Ethan Zierke | Sweet Season Farm
Tuesday, Sept. 3 | Red Oak, IA
Transitioning Ground and Changing Generations
Hosts: Matt & Jocelyn Vermeersch, Maggie McQuown and Steve Turman | Mud Ridge Ranch
Wednesday, Sept. 4 | Mount Pleasant, IA
Fitting Farming Into Life at Mogo Farms
Host: Morgan Hoenig | Mogo Farms
Saturday, Sept. 7 | Winterset, IA
Cattle Handling and Grass-Based Genetics
Hosts: Jake & Crystal Bigelow | Bigelow Family Farm
Saturday, Sept. 7 | Camanche, IA
Establishing New Prairie for Endangered Beneficial Insects on a Century Farm
Host: Julie Martinez
Tuesday, September 10 | Washington, IA
Advanced Cover Crop and Nutrition Management
Hosts: Michael Vittetoe
Thursday, Sept. 12 | Bouton, IA
Making a Livelihood With Livestock: A Whole-Farm Approach With Forage Crops and Cover Crops
Hosts: Dan & Ila Taylor and Noah, Sarah and Todd Taylor
Friday, Sept. 13 | Marion, IA
Equitable Land Access and Culturally Relevant Vegetable Production at Feed Iowa First’s Wanatee Farm
Host: Feed Iowa First | Wanatee Farm
Friday, Sept. 13 | Elmo, MO
Multi-Species Cover Crops + Farmland Owner Legacy Award
Hosts: Tim Kelley and Brent Nold
Sunday, Sept. 15 | Waverly, IA
Diversifying the Farm by Integrating Pastured Poultry With Tree Fruit and Berries at Solstice Farm + Paha Cider Co.
Host: Mark Westbrock | Solstice Farm | Paha Cider
Thursday, Sept. 19 | Astoria, IL
Livestock Between the Rows: An Adaptive Approach to Diversifying Illinois Row Crop Operation
Hosts: Luke and Jen Jones with Clara, Elliott, Rhett and Emmett
Friday, Sept. 20 | Exira, IA
Developing Infrastructure on a Diversified Farm One Project at a Time at Brun Ko Farm
Hosts: Nathan & Emily Paulsen | Brun Ko Farm
Thursday, Sept. 26 | Washington, IA
Sheep, Dogs and Sheepdogs
Host: Fiona Harrar
Wednesday, Oct. 2 | Luzerne, IA
Starting Out and Building Up With Pigs, Poultry and Small Grains
Hosts: Ryan & Ashley Wallace | Raw Farms
Saturday, Oct. 26 | Woodbine, IA
Establishing Prairie: Selecting Seeds to Restore and Optimize Native Habitat
Host: Cait Caughey
Saturday, Nov. 9 | Mount Ayr, IA
Balancing Your Farm Dream With Your Family’s Needs
Hosts: Kendra & Kevin Martin | Holdfast Farmstead
Thank you to the organizations, business and agencies who provide funding for PFI’s field day season:
- Builders Initiative
- Cargill
- Cedar Tree Foundation
- Ceres Trust
- PepsiCo
- Roger Ross Gipple on behalf of BeWildReWild and BIG RIVER CONNECTIVITY: bewildrewild.org
- Stranahan Foundation
- Unilever
- Vere Initiatives
- Walmart
- Walmart Foundation
- Walton Family Foundation
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number 2004.22.074823
- National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number 2007.23.076330
- NRCS CIG through a subaward with Pheasants Forever
- Offices of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE), through a subaward with Center for Rural Affairs.
- USDA SARE, through a subaward with Lincoln University, Missouri, under agreement number LNC23-480
- U.S. Department of Agriculture and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, under grant ID 2004.22.075401 and agreement number 75401
- U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant 23SCBPIA1187
- U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service through grant 21FMPPIA1012-00
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number NR226114XXXXG004
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, through a subaward with ADM re:generations, under agreement number NR233A750004G053
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number NR216114XXXXG003
- Financial support from U.S. EPA under an Assistance Agreement
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In addition, any reference to specific grants or types of products or services does not constitute or imply an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for those products or services.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U.S. Government or the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and its funding sources. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government, or the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation or its funding sources.