Title Year Category

In a Nutshell Cover crops are recognized for their ability to scavenge nitrogen and possibly improve soil characteristics in corn-soybean production systems. Farmer-cooperator Jack Boyer investigated three different cereal rye cover crop seeding dates in his seed corn …

Publish Date
July 5, 2015

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer

This project was funded by the Walton Family Foundation In a Nutshell: Numerous products are marketed to farmers that promise to boost crop yields. Jack Boyer was curious about one such product – MycoApply – and tested the effectiveness …

Publish Date
December 4, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer

In a Nutshell: Planting soybeans within one day of terminating a cereal rye cover crop does not reduce yield and can improve weed control compared to terminating the cover crop 10–14 days prior to planting soybeans. In experimental …

Publish Date
April 18, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer
Tim Sieren

This project was funded by USDA-NRCS and Walton Family Foundation In a Nutshell: Jack Boyer has been planting a cereal rye cover crop in a corn-soybean rotation on his farm for six years. Because Boyer knows that a …

Publish Date
November 26, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer

This research report was funded by Ceres Trust.  In a Nutshell: PFI Cooperators including Jack Boyer have a long history of testing biological products that are marketed to complement or partially replace regular fertilizer and/or pest management programs …

Publish Date
May 12, 2024

PFI Staff
Emma Link
Jack Boyer

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: Jack Boyer was curious to determine if the benefits of long-term cover cropping to soil health would allow him to reduce his nitrogen program. In a …

Publish Date
May 20, 2021

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Jack Boyer

This research was funded by Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: The appeal of interseeding a cover crop in June is twofold: 1). The seeding operation occurs at a relatively less busy time of year and 2). Seeding …

Publish Date
March 18, 2021

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell: After soil tests revealed a farm-wide decline in soil sulfur at Jack Boyer’s farm in recent years, he was curious to test whether or not corn …

Publish Date
February 11, 2021

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Jack Boyer

In a Nutshell: A successful management strategy for corn and soybeans following a cereal rye cover crop may differ across farms in terms of tillage, N fertilizer application or both. Farmer-cooperators Jack Boyer, Tim Sieren and Jeremy Gustafson …

Publish Date
April 4, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer
Tim Sieren
Jeremy Gustafson

This research was funded by the Walton Family Foundation.  In a Nutshell: Jack Boyer was interested to know if the soil health benefits of long-term cover cropping on his farm would permit him to reduce his nitrogen program …

Publish Date
February 14, 2022

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Jack Boyer

This research was funded by USDA-NIFA.  In a Nutshell: Jack Boyer, Eric Fynaardt, Kevin Holl and Rob Stout conducted strip trials for a second year to test the effect of cereal rye cover crop termination date on corn …

Publish Date
February 9, 2022

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer
Eric Fynaardt
Kevin Holl
Rob Stout
Dr. Alison Robertson, ISU Plant Pathology & Microbiology

This project was funded by USDA-NRCS and the Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell This was the second year of on-farm research trials designed to evaluate planting corn in 60-in. row-widths for the purpose of improving the success …

Publish Date
February 4, 2020

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Fred Abels
Robert Alexander
Nathan Anderson
Jack Boyer
Jeremy Gustafson
Mark Yoder