Title Year Category

This project was funded by the Walton Family Foundation In a Nutshell: Numerous products are marketed to farmers that promise to boost crop yields. Jack Boyer was curious about one such product – MycoApply – and tested the effectiveness …

Publish Date
December 4, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer

This project was funded by USDA-NRCS and Walton Family Foundation In a Nutshell: Jack Boyer has been planting a cereal rye cover crop in a corn-soybean rotation on his farm for six years. Because Boyer knows that a …

Publish Date
November 26, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Jack Boyer

This project is funded by Walton Family Foundation & Albert Lea Seed House In a Nutshell: Six cereal rye varieties were screened at two Iowa State University research farms and one commercial farm. Key Findings: Hybrid varieties, Bono and …

Publish Date
November 19, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Matt Schnabel (ISU Nothern Research Farm)
Ken Pecinovsky (ISU Northeast Research Farm)
Wendy Johnson

In a Nutshell: Sam Ose has been struggling with weed control in seed corn. He wondered if interseeding a cereal rye cover crop might help suppress weeds and tested two seeding dates: when the corn reached the V6 …

Publish Date
November 19, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Sam Ose

This project was funded by Ceres Trust In a Nutshell: Farmers were interested in better germination and quality of lettuce seedlings during hot summer months. Three farmers completed experimental trials to evaluate the effects of pelletized seed and …

Publish Date
September 3, 2019

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Jill Beebout
Carmen Black
Kate Edwards

Funding by Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Background Soil compaction and lack of fence are often identified by farmers as the two major barriers to grazing cover crops. While soil compaction can reduce crop productivity, issues can be avoided …

Publish Date
August 13, 2019

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Bruce and Connie Carney
Rick Kimberley
Wade Dooley
The Pasture Project of the Wallace Center at Winrock International

This project was supported by the Walton Family Foundation In a Nutshell: Cover crops are typically seeded near or after cash crop harvest in late summer or early fall in the Upper Midwest. Seeding cover crops at the …

Publish Date
June 26, 2019

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Fred Abels
Chris Teachout

This project was supported by the Walton Family Foundation In a Nutshell: Interseeding cover crops to corn at the V4 stage has gained attention for its potential to foster successful diverse species mixes and generate more biomass than …

Publish Date
June 12, 2019

PFI Staff
Practical Farmers of Iowa
Chris Teachout
Michael Vittetoe

In a Nutshell: Hybrid rye is a grain commonly fed to pigs in Europe. It is high in fiber and low in energy. Cooperator Tom Frantzen raised and incorporated hybrid rye into feeder pig rations in order to …

Publish Date
June 12, 2019

PFI Staff
Celize Christy
Tom and Irene Frantzen

By Hayley Nelson and Stefan Gailans This project was supported by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Division of Soil Conservation and Water Quality, the Walton Family Foundation and AgSource Laboratories. In a Nutshell: Yield drag …

Publish Date
June 6, 2019

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Wade Dooley
Dick Sloan

Funding by Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). This material is based upon work supported by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under number 69-6114-15-009. In a Nutshell: Determining the optimal harvest window for 100% grass-fed cattle …

Publish Date
June 4, 2019

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Bruce and Connie Carney
Dave and Meg Schmidt
Joe Sellers, ISU Extension
James West, retired ISU veterinarian

In a Nutshell: Farmers were interested in the effects of integrating sheep grazing to their vegetable production beds during fallow periods. Two farmers completed experimental trials to evaluate the yields of fall brassica crops following a spring cover …

Publish Date
May 23, 2019

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Carmen Black
Mark Quee