Title Year Category

This project was funded by Ceres Trust; Seed provided by Johnny’s Seeds and High Mowing Seeds In a Nutshell Jordan Scheibel and Jon Yagla compared a selection of mini-head and one-cut lettuce varieties from two series: Eazyleaf and …

Publish Date
September 15, 2020

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Jordan Scheibel
Jon Yagla

This project was funded by Organic Valley Why is this important? Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is an acidic fermentation product which has seen increased interest recently as a healthful supplement for both humans and animals, including dairy cattle. …

Publish Date
September 3, 2020

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Francis Blake
Kevin Dietzel
Scott Wedemeier

This project was funded by Ceres Trust; seed provided by Johnny’s Seeds In a Nutshell: Farmers in Iowa are curious about how heat-tolerant vegetable varieties developed on the East Coast will perform in Iowa’s hot and humid summers. …

Publish Date
August 20, 2020

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Carmen and Maja Black
Kate Edwards
Emily Fagan

This project was funded by USDA-NRCS. In a Nutshell: Strategies are needed to offset the cost of cover crops that precede corn while minimizing yield drag and seedling diseases and maximizing cover crop benefits. Cooperators compared the effects …

Publish Date
July 30, 2020

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Jon Bakehouse
Shane Bennett
Monty Douglas
Wayne Fredericks
Jeremy Gustafson
Michael Jackson
Dana Norby
Alison Robertson & Jyotsna Acharya - ISU Plant Pathology and Microbiology
Erin Ogle - Taylor County Soil and Water Conservation District, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Theo Gunther - Iowa Soybean Association

This project was funded by Ceres Trust In a Nutshell: Kathy Dice buried black and green tea bags in four diverse agroforestry sites, one wooded site, and one conventional crop field. Mass loss of the tea bags indicates …

Publish Date
June 17, 2020

PFI Staff
Liz Kolbe
Kathy Dice

This project was funded by Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship – Water Quality Initiative In a Nutshell: The practice of cover crop grazing provides economic returns, and farmers wonder if benefits to soil health follow suit. …

Publish Date
June 17, 2020

PFI Staff
Meghan Filbert
Perry Corey
Wesley Degner
Bill Frederick
Zak Kennedy
Seth Smith
Mark Schleisman

This project was funded by KWS and Albert Lea Seed. In a Nutshell: Hybrid rye is a grain commonly fed to pigs in Europe. It is high in fiber and low in energy. To evaluate the performance of …

Publish Date
April 30, 2020

PFI Staff
Celize Christy
Tom and Irene Frantzen

This project is supported in part by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Division of Soil Conservation and Water Quality. In a Nutshell: While maximizing the benefits of cover crops requires extending their growing period, prolonging …

Publish Date
April 13, 2020

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Sam Bennett
Tim Sieren
Jon Bakehouse

This project is supported in part by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Division of Soil Conservation and Water Quality. In a Nutshell: Organic soybean producers are interested in strategies to reduce tillage and control weeds …

Publish Date
March 26, 2020

PFI Staff
Hayley Nelson
Margaret Smith and Doug Alert
Robert Alexander

This project was funded by the Walton Family Foundation and Iowa Soybean Association In a Nutshell: Cover crops, primarily cereal rye, are typically seeded in late summer or early fall in corn-soybean production systems in Iowa. Sometimes, however, fall …

Publish Date
March 24, 2020

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Wade Dooley
Jeremy Gustafson

This project was supported by Dr. Andy Lenssen, Iowa State University Department of Agronomy. In a Nutshell: Winter cover crops in corn-soybean production systems in Iowa are mostly limited to small-grains species like cereal rye or winter wheat because …

Publish Date
February 12, 2020

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Bill Frederick
Wendy Johnson
Rob Stout
Dr. Andy Lenssen, professor of agronomy, Iowa State University

This project was funded by USDA-NRCS and the Walton Family Foundation. In a Nutshell This was the second year of on-farm research trials designed to evaluate planting corn in 60-in. row-widths for the purpose of improving the success …

Publish Date
February 4, 2020

PFI Staff
Stefan Gailans
Fred Abels
Robert Alexander
Nathan Anderson
Jack Boyer
Jeremy Gustafson
Mark Yoder