We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Graham Giesting
Senior Research Coordinator
Graham Giesting joined Practical Farmers of Iowa as senior research coordinator for the Cooperators’ Program in June 2024. In this role, Graham works with farmers to co-design on-farm research trials, and to analyze and interpret trial results.
Graham studied biology at St. Olaf College. After graduating, he worked as a chef. This experience brought home the importance of the food network, as well as revealing some of its distortions. Graham went back to school for a master’s degree in crop science from the University of Hohenheim in Germany, where he lived for three years. His research focused on hydroponics and the use of beneficial bacteria to improve growing conditions for horticultural plants, mostly tomatoes. He misses two things most about Germany: the “wanderwege” hiking trails and German bread.
Graham grew up in Minnesota. He loves the forests, lakes, prairies and rivers of the Upper Midwest and likes to spend as much time as he can outdoors. He is often listening to an audiobook on a walk. He also enjoys cooking, and is trying to develop his garden.