We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Hakizimana Francois and Niyonzima Roza
Hakizimana Francois and Niyonzima Roza
Izere’s (Believe in God) Farmers Group | Des Moines, Iowa
Because we want to provide organic products to the community while being able to provide financially for our family.
What are you farming right now?
We are farming a variety of vegetables including potatoes, tomatoes, onions, beans, eggplants, lenga lenga and Isogo.
What’s your vision for your farm?
We would like to continue to grow our farm and have approximately 5-acres in production. We forsee a future collaboration with other family who currently farming. This could include a shared market to sell our fresh vegetables together.
Why do you want to participate in this program?
We want to participate because this program can help us get some agricultural tools we will need in our farm.