We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Maja Black
Maja Black
Sundog Farm & Local Harvest CSA | Solon, Iowa
Farming unites my interests and lifestyle needs. I like growing food and raising animals because it is interesting, a creative pursuit and allows me to spend a lot of time outdoors. Providing delicious food to my community also provides purpose, grounding and connection.
What are you farming right now?
Alongside my sister, Carmen, and a few others, I am farming diversified vegetables that we sell via community supported agriculture, along with sheep, goats and laying hens. We grow vegetables through three seasons, rotationally graze ruminants and just recently got into egg production.
What’s your vision for your farm?
While my vision is only a part of the collective vision, I want to grow a sustainable pasture-based sheep and goat enterprise and pastured flock of laying hens. This business will uphold conservation principles, use rotational grazing to benefit the landscape and provide delicious, nutritious and affordable local protein to our community.
My hope for the ruminants is to increase products while remaining within a flock and business size that is responsible from both a landscape and labor perspective. I want to get our egg business established and to transition the hens to a mobile pasture system.
Why do you want to participate in this program?
I am excited to participate in SIP to grow my personal knowledge of business planning and financial goals, and to build out new enterprises on our farm that are exciting and flourishing.