Local Foods

We strive to foster strong communities based on diverse ties between farmers and non-farmers.

One of the strongest ties is purchasing food and farm products from local farms. Buying from local farms keeps money circulating in your community, and builds a more resilient food system.

If you are interested in purchasing food raised on PFI-member farms, the directory below can help you find farmers near you. Try the search bar to look for nearby cities or towns, or specific products.

The latest on local foods

Market maker map screenshotPFI Member Local Food Directory 

Find PFI member farmers, business and organizations who offer local foods near you! Current PFI members can be listed for free in the directory.

Find PFI Members who offer Local Foods

Local Foods Purchasing Assistance Program — Now Open!

Iowa LFPA Logo 02Along with our partner organizations, PFI is pleased to announce that the Iowa Local Foods Purchasing Assistance Program is now open for farmers and vendors!

The Iowa Local Foods Purchasing Assistance Program will buy local food from Iowa’s producers for distribution to Iowans in under-resourced communities.

If you produce local food in Iowa and are interested in selling your raw agricultural products or value-added products into the Iowa LFPA program, submit this producer registration form to receive more information on becoming an LFPA vendor. All local food farmers are encouraged to apply, including beginning farmers, smaller-scale producers, and farmers who primarily distribute through CSAs or share boxes.

Products eligible for sale to the Iowa LFPA include: produce, grains, legumes, dairy, meat, mushrooms, eggs, honey, maple syrup, and value added products containing at least 51% locally-produced raw product. Products must be produced within the state of Iowa or in the immediate bordering counties to be eligible for sale into LFPA.

Registration should take about 15 minutes; please have any relevant licenses, food safety certificates, and W9 forms available as you complete the form.

Questions? Contact Natasha Hegmann  at (515) 232-5661 or natasha.hegmann(at)practicalfarmers(dot)org.

Click here to learn more

Success Story: Farming From the Heart

In 2023, Max Chavez became a registered vendor through LFPA. Read this winter magazine article to learn how Max’s participation in the program helped in sell extra cases of produce, earn extra income and even donate extra produce to those in need.

Other Local Food Resources

Contact Information

For more information about local foods: contact Natasha Hegmann at natasha.hegmann(at)practicalfarmers(dot)org.