We are seeking participants for two on-farm research trials. Learn more and apply by March 31.
Land Matching
Land Matching
Whether you are a retiring farmer or landowner seeking the next generation to care for your land, or a beginning farmer looking for land to begin or expand your farming enterprise, we have resources to help. Both farmland access navigators and PFI’s farmland viability coordinator work with land seekers and landowners, offering consultations to clarify goals and next steps along the way.
Once land seekers and landowners identify their goals related to finding land or to farm transition, we can work with you to find a land match within our networks. This could be renting land to a new farmer, matching a retiring farmer with a beginner to work on their operation with intention to transition the farm or selling land.
Land Seekers
If you are a land seeker who wants to work with a PFI farmland access navigator to help you on your land journey, please fill out this application.
Landowners and Retiring Farmers
If you are a retiring farmer or a landowner who would like to talk to a PFI staff member about your farmland transition, please fill out this application.
Landowners and Retiring Farmers, sign up here
Find A Farmer
Not ready to talk to a PFI staff member? No problem! You can look at land listings and learn about farmers who are seeking land in your area.
The Farmland Access Hub
Practical Farmers of Iowa is part of the Farmland Access Hub, a group of PPT Land dedicated to connecting farmers with land. If you are a land seeker, check out the Farmland Access Hub to learn more about how you can support land access work in the Midwest.